Is my toddler to heavy?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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My little girl has just turned 18 months old. She was 7lb 14 when she was born, 6 days overdue. She never lost any weight after birth and the health visitors seemed really pleased with her progress but as the months went by and the more I took her in to be weighed the comments started.
One health visitor actually said she was fat, since then I haven't taken her since she was about 1. Anyway I weighed her today on my digital scales and she's 2 stone 2 which is 30lb . I put it in her red book and she's on the 98th centile.
I've always worried she will be fat, I'm tiny in size but my husband is quite big and stocky. His sister struggles with her weight and her 9 year old has been classed as obese.
Just concerned
it all depends on height etc aswell I mean I wouldn't say she is too heavy but if your worried then maybe contact health visitor and see what they say.
If she is on same percentile or near the same for height aswell I wouldn't worry at all but if she was really small in height and on 98th for weight Id be more inclined to ask for advice on it.

She looks beautiful to me!
I'm sorry but I have a real bee in my bonnet about people calling babies fat. As someone who grew up with negative self image and as a result a weight issues through most of my life, I'm determined that none of my children will be exposed to anything like that.

What does she actually physically look like? Does she look fat? What does she eat? How active is she? And most importantly how tall is she?

My son has always been on the higher centiles for his weight. Which means absolutely nothing taken out of context. He's actually really skinny because he is ridiculously tall. He's always been off the charts for his height. I don't weigh my son very often these days because I know he eats a good variety of foods, and is physically active. Some days he eats all day and others eats like a sparrow, so I trust him to judge his own appetite.

Honestly I think you can judge it by looking at your LO and knowing what her eating habits are like. If you're happy with how she is, ignore it. If you're concerned then speak to the HV.
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Aslong as your lo isn't living off a diet of crisps chocolate cake etc I'm sure she is absolutely perfect! some babies are big, some are small - they all even out eventually! Xx
She's got chubby cheeks and chubby legs , she's chubby all over really. I haven't checked her height so I will and compare it. She's really active, never stops moving but she loves food. I don't think my portion sizes are huge and she has lots of fruit and veg . Just that comment about her being fat hangs over my head, a lot of people comment on how big she is . I will compare height and get back to you x
To be honest, unless you want the possibility of your LO under the care of a paediatrician, I wouldn't be inclined to take her back to the HV. My son was a similar weight to your LO at birth (7lb 10oz) and jumped a few centiles, on to the 99.6th and now resides between the top two lines (he's approx. 30lb too). I took him to the HV when he was 7 months old, who immediately referred me to the GP, who in turn referred me to the paediatrician. The paediatrician has seen him twice already, but will see him again when he's 18/19 months, just to check he's not going above the top line of the chart. It's been a pain as there's nothing wrong with him. His hands and feet are huge, so he's going to be a big lad, that's all. Just for info, he's only between 50th and 75th height-wise, so he is more heavy than he is tall. But paediatrician was happy with his growth.

At the opposite end of the scale, I remember taking my daughter to the HV at 1 year old to check her weight. I was so proud that she'd got to 17lb 3oz (she started at 3lb 11oz), but all the HV could say was "she's really tiny" or "that's not very much".

Everyone is fixated on the wretched charts. If your LO is healthy, active and eats well, I'm sure she's absolutely fine! xxx
My son is 21 months and he weighed 32lb the last time I weighed him at home a few weeks ago.
He was 7lb 9oz born, loved his milk and now loves his food but I wouldn't say he eats huge portions. He has fruit with breakfast and dinner, and has at least 1 veg with lunch and dinner. Yes he eats crisps, biscuits, cake etc but not all the time , it's a treat. Me and my hubby arnt tall or big but my dad is big built and we can see he is going to take after him.
I wouldn't worry at all Hun, as long as he is eating a healthy diet what else can you do !? You cannot starve him

My lb has always followed the 98th line..
He was also dead on 30lbs at his 18m review..(now 20ms old and not been weighed since).. Hes was measured 2ft 10" at 18ms aswell..
Nowhere near fat.. Just perfect for his height..

He was 9lb 9.5oz born, always loved his milk and food
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Thanks ladies. I just hate these stupid charts and the health visitors given you that " what do you feed your child " face ! Also because her cousin is really fat ... He does eat shit all the time and get away with it. Does my head in that he can be allowed to eat a whole sharing bag of sweets after hardly eating his dinner. Nobody has really said anything to his mum like teachers etc but yet my little baby girl was gaining weight , drinking her milk etc and was called fat !! X
Just did her height she's on the 75th centile for height
The one I had was very patronising and I'm glad they don't bother me anymore! Thanks for your support ladies x
I have the opposite problem with my eldest. He's pretty small. At 3yrs 8mths he's 31lb plotting him on 25th centile and he's 90 something cms in height plotting him on the 9th centile! He finds it very hard to gain weight and hardly ever grows.

Your LO sounds perfectly fine to me, I never get my 2 weighed at the HV (my boy was weighed at a Peadiatrician app) because they're happy, healthy and active little boys so I'm not fussed what they weigh :)
Thanks , it's just the odd comments I get now and again about her size makes me worry. Xx
My son was 9lb 12.5 when he was born - and was always a good eater!
When he was 18 weeks old he was 25lbs - and when he was 18 months old he was 2 stone!
He did go through a stage of being 'chubby' but from aged 2 onwards he started getting really tall and quite lean!
I know how you feel about the sarcy comments though - my little boy has really curly hair and everyone says he looks like a girl - really annoys me lol!

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