My baby is 2 months


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Cally had her 8 week check. She was on the 50th centile for everyhting at birth, she is now on the 98th and I have had to admit defeat and put her in her 3-6 month sleepsuits as she couldn't straighten her legs otherwise. She is bigger then what Seren was at this age, and Seren is hardly a teeny lass.

I got asked all the usual questions, and she weighed me!!! Wasn't expecting that - I am overweight a bit (she did surprise me, I had just scoffed a pack of jaffa cakes before I went, only 1 gram of fat per cake you know).

And she is sleeping through, normally she was going to bed at 9pm and then waking up at 4.30am then at 6.30-7 depending on what time Seren got up but the night before she didn't go to bed till 11pm and slept till 6.30am, then last night she slept 8.30 to 6.30am. My boobs were killing me this morning
Wow that two months went quickly! It only seems like a few days ago i read your birth announcement :)
Im glad she's doing so well :)
Aw Happy 2 months Cally! She's doing brilliantly!

beanie said:
she weighed me!!! Wasn't expecting that - I am overweight a bit (she did surprise me, I had just scoffed a pack of jaffa cakes before I went, only 1 gram of fat per cake you know).

This made me :rotfl: ! I can't believe she weighed YOU - baby yes, you no!

Valentine Xxx
Happy 2 months Cally :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
Great to hear she's doing so well, and you enjoy your Jaffa's, weighing Mummy, that's just not right :shakehead: :hug:

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