is my little boy special?


I had my 2nd scan today and baby was upside down with its arms crossed in front of it's face facing away from us and refused to move - well she said it was very active but would not turn over/ around - no matter what i did!!! I think i'm going to have a right handful with this one!! Thankfully we did manage to get a pic of baby's face after being made to lay on my side and have the wand on my hip!!!! But little bugger has been very active all afternoon!!! Typical!!!!

Am so wondering what baby is now but even the pics in the red book - i have no idea what i am looking at so no idea if there is any hints!!!!
Did you try to find out but couldn't or are you having a suprise? Your LO is stubborn already hehe
No we didn't find out but she said she was having trouble getting a leg measurement as it kept moving!!! But i'm guessing if it wouldn't show us it's face it would be just as stubborn showing us it's bits.....

It's amazing to think that next time i see baby will be when baby is here.......very scary thought!!!
Aw tinkerbell sounds like a right handful already x so far the boys have been quite happy to flash so maybe it's a girl?! Lol x x we're going to have a 3/4D scan so we'll see him again at 25-27 weeks but then it won't be until he arrives! x x
our lil boy was upside down for the 20wk scan as well, but it made it perfect for finding the sex as when she moved around my tummy we could see his bum & his lil boy bits!
He was obv busy sleeping, seeing as he only likes to wake when im going to bed lol!
My 16 week scan baby was on its tummy :)

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