Is my baby the only one who's never got out of sleeping like a newborn?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Sorry to moan but lack of sleep or very broken sleep is really starting to bother me now and I really dont know what else to try. Even four hours sleep in a row would be nice, but no, Kynon wakes every 2 hours for the first half of the night which then becomes every hour from about 3-4am. I can feed him back to sleep easily but obviousy it then takes me a while to get back off. I'm not asking for miracles as I know most babies don't really 'sleep through' from day one but just waking once or twice would sort me out!
It's getting to me so much I can't bear to read anymore 'my baby slept through' type posts or boasts on fb or here, I skip through scared of reading them, I almost get angry about it, and I'm sick of everyone I see asking if he sleeps through yet, I want to scream at them "do I bloody look like a women who had a nights sleep in the last 6 months!" The one that gets to me the most are the people who have had a "bad" night because baby woke twice, that would be a brilliant night for me, it's never happened apart from jab days and randomly once at my mums!

The whole food argument won't make a difference, he's fed loads by the boob so I know it's not hunger that wakes him all the time, I also read up on this and it's a myth about solids making baby sleep longer, if they don't sleep they don't sleep.

I just feel so alone even my oh almost seems to blame me the way he moans about being woken up, he likes at least 10 hours sleep so being woken for a few seconds while I pick him up bothers him which really pees me off that he even has the cheek to moan, it's me who gets up every morning as well, I have to ask if I want him to get up in the morning, he rarely offers.

Sorry this has turned into a massive rant but I needed to vent somewhere and I hate moaning or talking about it to friends and family as they don't understand. Ive also posted on here a few times about it so sorry girls! I know there arnt really any answers as I've tried most things and I've just got to woman up and get on with it!
He's not the only one x. My Owen slept terribly and only started getting better at around 7 months. A lot of my friends babies were the same so I think 7 months must be some sort of magic age. He got better really quickly after that and was pretty much sleeping through from 9 months.
Not long to go, hang in there and remember lots of people lie about thier baby's sleeping. I have no idea why but they do so don't think it's just you.
Hi, Drake was the same until about 3 weeks ago when I read the baby whisper and followed her advise. Really changed my life as like you I was feeling like everyone who posted about there baby sleeping lots was a dig at me. Didn't help that my friends baby (3 weeks older than Drake) sleep through from 6 weeks. Seriously give this book a go as its really helped us. HE wakes for food once or twice now whereas before it was ever 2 hours.
I cant believe your oh moans at you! I would kick off! REally not fair
Thanks catty, fx Kynon will be one of those who improve at 7 months. I did read some people regard sleeping through as 5 hours but I think 10 would be sleeping through. It's strange that Kynon isn't even bothered by it either!
Sarah I could have written this myself. Colby used to go for longer, but we seem to have regressed, he wakes every two hours and I don't know how to get him to sleep longer. He's well fed too so I don't know why he doesn't sleep longer. I though it would get easier as time went on but it's getting worse again. 4 hours sleep would be wonderful. It takes me a while to get back to sleep too and then he wakes up again. I'm so tired, I hate reading about these babies that sleep through I'm so jealous. Since he was born, he has slept once for 8 hours and once for 7 hours. That's twice in nearly 200 days!!!! His average used to be 4 hours but that would be a dream now.

Sorry for my rant too, will they ever sleep through??? I had hoped weaning would help but not so far......
Thanks Hemera, Ill give it a go. Been reading the no cry sleep solution too but the suggestions haven't worked yet, or maybe I'm too impatient! It's horrible feeling like the sleeping through posts are digs at you when obviously they arnt they are just happy mummies to have had a nights sleep, hopefully I'll be a happy mummy soon too! My oh just gets grumpy when he hasn't slept, I do feel like sleeping downstairs and telling him to try my job for a few nights though!
We have a book called the sensational baby sleep plan by Alison Scott wright and it's very good. Five week old last feed after bath at 7pm, only up at 12.30 then straight back down after feed then back up at 4.30 and then up for day at 8.

I feel for you, xxx
Thanks SS, lets hope there is light at the end of the tunnel soon, and I won't put any posts up lol! I do have a good friend who makes me feel better by saying it's a sign of intelligence lol!
WHEN they sleep through we have to do a post as it will be such an achievement lol

Our two must be very clever then :rofl:
I think that people are silly when they say their baby sleeps thru when it is only 5 hours or so!! I think sleeping thru is when they go from 7 till 7!! Lol!! I hope that your little one grows thru this fase, a friend of mine had the same problem and she tried to drag out their babies feeds by 10 mins every time (i.e when they want food but arent starving then take them round the block or change nappy slowly) and they soon got used to not being fed every couple of hours and has made all the difference to her nights sleep!!
I really don't think it is anything you are doing hun. my friend had two babies, one woke up every hour or two for months on end, the other one slept thru from about 2 months! i think unfortunately it is the baby that decides and some babies wake. xxx

p.s. can't ur OH do just one night for you if you express? just one saturday night to give you a rest? xx
We tried the no cry solution too but didn't get any results. A lot of the suggestions we were already doing. Agree its nothing your doing. Friend with twins finds one baby sleeps through and the other is up several times. They Will do it when they are ready!
Hey chick

I'm so sorry you are going thro this, I thought it had got a bit better. It just goes to show then, it was never anything to do with him not eating enough, he's on solids now too?? And I know from previous posts that you have tried absolutely everything. I'm really sure he wont go on like this forever. He'll get more mobile soon & that should tire him out.

I know what you mean about ending up getting angry at ppl's posts about baby having a bad night when its nothing compared to you. Its kinda how I feel too, but different, coz Kayden is so ill (with the reflux, going blue ect) when I see a post where someone complains about babies sleep for one night, or coz their baby has the cold, it makes me angry & sad coz i kinda wish that was all my problem was if that makes sense.

BTW - I think its amazing that you dont moan about this all the time, i'd be going off my head & my poor OH would probs get the brunt of it. My OH likes his sleep too & complains if LO makes too much noise.

I really hope things improve soon.

Have you tried the GP? What is he doing when he wakes, is he screaming, or just lying awake chatting??

I agree with mrs n - I class sleeping through at 8-8. Joe is a fairly good sleeper but he definitely isn't sleeping through! With my first son, someone suggested offering a bottle of water rather than milk if youre sure it can't be.hunger. Ben did start sleeping through so never actually tried it but might be worth a try. Also Ben did sleep better once he was established on solids but that might have been a coindesence.
Oh hun, poor you. Jax is no where near sleeping through hun. Yes, I did have 2 nights where he slept through but more recently he has started waking 3 or more times a night and staying awake for an hour or more if he wakes in the early hours of the morning. It's so tiring, he has no pattern at all either so I can't always just get an early night and think he'll sleep till 12 or something.

I'm sure part of it is because he doesn't self settle so he needs a full tummy to feel settled again. So, I'm trying to find something he likes, at the moment he seems to be getting into a taggy blanket and I also bought a Chicco light projector and the music seems to really settle him. Now, I don't need to rock him, 8 times out of 10, he will go to sleep by himself (even if it does take an hour sometimes!).

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
Thanks for the support and comments ladies, it's nice to know I'm not alone even when I feel it sometimes. I hate to moan about it as there are some poor ladies in TTC who would give their right arm to be in my position and would happily trade places and I've def got it easy compared to you little miss, I'd hate to have the worries you do with poor kayden.

He barely sleeps during the day either unless hes being nursed but wakes if i dare to even move my arm when i get pins and needles! On the good side hes not screaming when he wakes unless i leave him he just wants to know Im close by I think. Sometimes he just chats away to himself but keeps me awake! Only thing we havent tried yet is putting him in his own room but thats because the loft conversion is only just finished and hes still not got a cot but that will be sorted over the next month hopefully!

I spoke to my mil today and it turns out my oh was a terrible sleeper as a baby so I'm blaming him now lol! OH is away again tomorrow for a few weeks but hopefully when he gets home next he will try a night shift, I guess he is away a fair bit so can't help then comes home shattered himself. Just wish men would offer instead of being asked though!
I know exactly how you feel Sarah, Jack has had complete ups and downs when it comes to sleeping. I am quite lucky that at one point he was sleeping 5 or 6 hours and just as I thought I'd cracked it he went back to waking every 1 or 2 hours through the whole night and now it seems he just doesn't want to sleep now....So is it a question of doing anything! I have not changed anything, Jack has decided he'd prefer to wake up and feed every couple of hours. I also feel your pain about your OH never doing a night feed or settling, my OH does absolutely nothing so you are not alone. Why do they seem to think they can still sleep in when they have a baby? I haven't started weening yet but like you say I'm pretty sure its not because they need to start solids early.

I don't know about you but I find I can't plan to do too much in one week otherwise I feel absolutely exhausted. I'm sure Kynon will just settle in his own time, maybe the 7 month thing is right?

You've done so well, 6 months with broken sleep is very hard but Kynon seems to be doing fantastically. :)
I think some babies just sleep differently. My neighbour has 2 girls both exclusively breastfed, the first slept through at 3 months and the 2nd is still up every 3 hours, she's now 8 months. She has no reason for 1 sleeping longer than the other does other than they are different people so do things their own way.
No help in afraid but I'm sure he'll settle down, might just need to buy yourself some match sticks for your eyes in the meantime x
It does sound like your LO is a bit of a light sleeper. That being said, white noise is always great, because it drowns out all those other sounds. I've learnt a wee bit about Kayden & white noise recently....I need a small desk fan in our bedroom to get me to sleep & from birth we ended up putting it on when Kayden in bed too. The last 3/4 days I've not had the fan on because we needed the extension lead elsewhere in the house, and on those days Kayden had a terrible night, woke quite a few times, esp when I was even just moving over in bed, OH said he woke him up just by moving our bedsheets, he sleeps in a seperate crib, but that very slight noise was enough to keep him awake for a good while. Soz i'm rambing a bit, point is...if LO is a light sleeper, white noise will drown out those creaks & other noises that could just be wakening your LO up.


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