In my 1st trimester I was so sick and had hardly any energy, meaning I couldn't do much with my daughter. I was just starting to feel better, but have been in pain for a few weeks. I am now 19weeks and 6days pregnant, and although I am excited to be having another baby, I really am not enjoying being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I love feeling him moving and kicking, but I am in so much pain. My back and hips hurt, and sometimes the pain goes down my legs too. I also have a urine infection, which is causing discomfort, and I am struggling to sleep at night as I can't get comfortable. My sister is TTC, with not much luck, and tries to make me feel guilty if I complain about my symptoms. I feel for her and know it must be hard for her to see me pregnant, but just because I chose to have another baby, I don't see why I should have to pretend to enjoy the journey between conception and giving birth. Does anyone else feel this way? x