is it true

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Anna nicole smith has ALWAYS been a druggie (she has even admitted it in tv interveiws in the past, also saying that it is her fault her son got into drugs and died) They also found a massive lethal cocktail of drugs at her house after the death. She married a man nearly 70 years her elder, saying she loved him, strangely he was a billionare, then when he died the family got the money and she fought for 850 million pounds of it. They found drug trace galore in her blood stream which caused her to die.

Im sorry if you think im nasty (I have not taken the piss out of her at all, I dont feel) But if she was alive now and I came on this forum and posted...Drug addict mother...Taking lethal drugs daily, sleeping around constantly, got her late son into drugs who then died from it . Do you think she should have her 5 month old taken away and put into a loving family who will be there for her and care for her... That child barely spent ANY time with Anna nicole smith because she was always out partying on drugs. And leaves lethal drugs lying around her house.

Im pretty convinced the reply would be "no I dont think the mother should have her, she is a risk to the baby"

But because she has all that money, social services would of never touched her to take away her baby.....Fact! So im sorry, but she bought her death on herself, and clearly if she could do that she couldnt of really cared to much about the poor mite. So yes I feel the baby is better off and has gotten a lucky escape.
I thought they hadn't found any traces of illegal drugs in her bloodstream or at her house? Maybe you have more up to date info though cassi.

I think the strong feeling is caused because whatever way you look at it to die at 39 after just giving birth and losing a son is tragic really. So I genuinly feel sorry for her that her life was short and too all intense and purposes miserable.

I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really.
Freya said:
I thought they hadn't found any traces of illegal drugs in her bloodstream or at her house? Maybe you have more up to date info though cassi.

I think the strong feeling is caused because whatever way you look at it to die at 39 after just giving birth and losing a son is tragic really. So I genuinly feel sorry for her that her life was short and too all intense and purposes miserable.

I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really.

Uncaring because people think that a child would be better off without a drug addict mother? If she lived in the "real world" that child would of been took off her ages ago.

She was miserable because she led herself down that path as i said earlier in this post we've all had loss heartache and problems so dont make the mistake of believing just because sometimes things got a bit rough it excuses her behaviour

and even if it is tragic dieing at 39 if these reports are true and shes had drugs in her bloodstream whose fault is that then?
Freya said:
I thought they hadn't found any traces of illegal drugs in her bloodstream or at her house? Maybe you have more up to date info though cassi.

I think the strong feeling is caused because whatever way you look at it to die at 39 after just giving birth and losing a son is tragic really. So I genuinly feel sorry for her that her life was short and too all intense and purposes miserable.

I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really.

These are things I have read from new reposts last night. And please do quote where I have taken the piss out of her? I would really love to see this because It seems if I have, I have magically types things without knowing?

And I could'nt really give 2 shits if you think I am a mean uncaring person because I think her baby is better off without drugs and sex all around her....

But quote anywhere where I have taken the piss out of her? Or have I just stated that I beileve the child will be better off? I think so....

I beileve I am a very caring and friendly person, However with what you have just said to me, in not reading my posts throughly. I have become upset by that remark...Which in my mind makes you a mean person. This isnt the first time you have branded me as a mean person though is it Freya, But I wont go into details. If you have a problem with me, when you dont even know me then im sorry, but you need to find something better to do with your life than brand people and upset them for stating their opinions.
i have read this post there are so very intresting views made my people, all i gotta say is u have to ask urself why she was in Miami and her 5 month old daughter was in the bahamas!!!!

Also there are 3 poeple all saying they are the father of her child, and yea what a responsible mother she must have been to not even know who the father to her own kid is.

Also her own family think it was drugs so when ur own family are saying this....why are we not allowed to say what we think??

everyone is allowed to have their say and if u dont like it then dont bother reading the thread
sophie27 said:
i have read this post there are so very intresting views made my people, all i gotta say is u have to ask urself why she was in Miami and her 5 month old daughter was in the bahamas!!!!

Also there are 3 poeple all saying they are the father of her child, and yea what a responsible mother she must have been to not even know who the father to her own kid is.

Also her own family think it was drugs so when ur own family are saying this....why are we not allowed to say what we think??

everyone is allowed to have their say and if u dont like it then dont bother reading the thread

Strong like bull..angry like beaver :rotfl:
sophie27 said:
i have read this post there are so very intresting views made my people, all i gotta say is u have to ask urself why she was in Miami and her 5 month old daughter was in the bahamas!!!!

Also there are 3 poeple all saying they are the father of her child, and yea what a responsible mother she must have been to not even know who the father to her own kid is.

Also her own family think it was drugs so when ur own family are saying this....why are we not allowed to say what we think??

everyone is allowed to have their say and if u dont like it then dont bother reading the thread

yep dont think you can argue with that can you ay!
cassi said:
Freya said:
I thought they hadn't found any traces of illegal drugs in her bloodstream or at her house? Maybe you have more up to date info though cassi.

I think the strong feeling is caused because whatever way you look at it to die at 39 after just giving birth and losing a son is tragic really. So I genuinly feel sorry for her that her life was short and too all intense and purposes miserable.

I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really.

These are things I have read from new reposts last night. And please do quote where I have taken the p*ss out of her? I would really love to see this because It seems if I have, I have magically types things without knowing?

And I could'nt really give 2 sh*ts if you think I am a mean uncaring person because I think her baby is better off without drugs and sex all around her....

But quote anywhere where I have taken the p*ss out of her? Or have I just stated that I beileve the child will be better off? I think so....

I beileve I am a very caring and friendly person, However with what you have just said to me, in not reading my posts throughly. I have become upset by that remark...Which in my mind makes you a mean person. This isnt the first time you have branded me as a mean person though is it Freya, But I wont go into details. If you have a problem with me, when you dont even know me then im sorry, but you need to find something better to do with your life than brand people and upset them for stating their opinions.

Cassi I think you need to step back and calm down.

Your post here is VERY aggressive and there is just no need for that kind of personal attack on someone.

I didn't read Freya's post as being aimed at you... the only bit that was aimed at you was where she said she hadn't got the up-to-date info like you had.

If you have issues with someone, pm them, it's out of order to get so personal with someone on a public forum.
urchin said:
cassi said:
Freya said:
I thought they hadn't found any traces of illegal drugs in her bloodstream or at her house? Maybe you have more up to date info though cassi.

I think the strong feeling is caused because whatever way you look at it to die at 39 after just giving birth and losing a son is tragic really. So I genuinly feel sorry for her that her life was short and too all intense and purposes miserable.

I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really.

These are things I have read from new reposts last night. And please do quote where I have taken the p*ss out of her? I would really love to see this because It seems if I have, I have magically types things without knowing?

And I could'nt really give 2 sh*ts if you think I am a mean uncaring person because I think her baby is better off without drugs and sex all around her....

But quote anywhere where I have taken the p*ss out of her? Or have I just stated that I beileve the child will be better off? I think so....

I beileve I am a very caring and friendly person, However with what you have just said to me, in not reading my posts throughly. I have become upset by that remark...Which in my mind makes you a mean person. This isnt the first time you have branded me as a mean person though is it Freya, But I wont go into details. If you have a problem with me, when you dont even know me then im sorry, but you need to find something better to do with your life than brand people and upset them for stating their opinions.

Cassi I think you need to step back and calm down.

Your post here is VERY aggressive and there is just no need for that kind of personal attack on someone.

I didn't read Freya's post as being aimed at you... the only bit that was aimed at you was where she said she hadn't got the up-to-date info like you had.

If you have issues with someone, pm them, it's out of order to get so personal with someone on a public forum.

Im sorry but I dont think so I took alot of offence to being called this "I think people on here are offended because it is tragic and to take the pi@@ out of her just makes you look like a bit of a mean uncaring person really." amd I wrong in seeing that it states "you" in reply to my post? I beileve she was out of order....And its not the first time she has branded me a mean person either. So no Im sorry but the personal attack came from freya not me.
im sorry i dont get this, one post told someone they were uncaring but yet its the other person who gets told to step down :think: :think:

sounds one sided to me
And im sorry but VERY aggresive? I really, really dont think so....
cassi i dont think ur post was agressive at all, surely u have the right to say what u want.......freedom of speech :cheer:
im sorry but i have to agree Freya actually started the attack on cassi it just so happens that shes decided to make the mistake to make an attack on someone who wont just sit there and take it, Im sorry but on this case i think its wrong and the wrong person here is being accused Frayas post is very much aimed at cassi!
:shakehead: what happened to our friendly forum ladies i have my opinions but they arent going to be put down on here about the topic i mean :lol:
I give up...I beileve my post was put in a calm and collective way...I try my best to put my opinions nicely and not to offend and I get called a mean and uncaring person.....and I dont have the right to respond? and I get called aggressive?? Im sorry but Im not going to apologise at all, nor take back anything in my post, Just because you are a mod and you dont agree, or have not read the post properly.....Im sure this post will be they always seem to standing firm on this one I am upset and dissapointed by the way it has been taken.
cassi said:
And im sorry but VERY aggresive? I really, really dont think so....

And how many times do you think you need to swear at someone?

Even if it was aimed at you, which Freya says it was not...she meant "makes you look uncaring" as a general term that makes anyone who made thoses posts look uncaring...her post did not deserve to provoke such a massive respose from you.
Saying someone "looks uncaring" does NOT warrant such a response. It doesn't even mean they ARE uncaring...just that they "look uncaring" to some people.
Cassi i hope i didnt do wrong by putting down what i said its not aimed at anyone................. :hug:
cassi said:
or have not read the post properly.

Have you thought about pming Freya and asking her how the post was meant?
im sorry where did I swear at her? I said I couldnt give 2 shits if she thought i was mean and uncaring, not swearing at her, in general...and i put i wasnt taking the piss out of anna nicole smith, again not swearing at her, i suggest you re read my post !

Right so quoting me and saying this make YOU look like a mean and uncaring person..of course it isnt aimed at me :roll:
Im sorry Urchin but cassi isnt the only person Freyas comments have upset this week!
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