is it true

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i didnt find her that offensive, i watched that program she made and she was a bit strange but i didnt think she was a nasty person?? ark at me like she was my best bud :D
Wow! :shock: Didn't realise that. Didn't she loose a son recently too. Then the baby....poor thing with no Mummy about.
She was on self destruct from the word go that woman, a walking tragedy. I hope her baby has someone worthy to care for him/her!
im sorry call me evil but when u are all saying poor baby losing its mom, im like lucky baby cause imagine how that child would of grown up with a mother like her! sorry im evil but thats what I think :lol:
cassi said:
im sorry call me evil but when u are all saying poor baby losing its mom, im like lucky baby cause imagine how that child would of grown up with a mother like her! sorry im evil but thats what I think :lol:

yep, budge said the same. I understand your point.
that thought crossed my mind too, cant imagine the kind of upbringing the baby would have had, and I dont think its an evil thing to sya atall!
dont really know much about her. i didnt realise she had a baby. i found it odd for a young person tp suddenly drop dead. surely there must be more to it
yeah i saw it on GMTV this morning, they THINK it may be to do with drugs but are not sure yet - her son only died 5 months ago and that poor baby - no mum, no brother, and Anna wouldnt tell who the father was (would let the 'suspected' father have a DNA test!)

:( :( :(
i cant belive you lot saying things like that
yes she may have taken drugs and done some bad things but weve all made mistakes in our lifes
she was still a human and no-one deserves to die at all like that she had just lost her son at a young age threw drugs on the day or day after she gave birth to her daughter
please have some respect for the dead none of you new her personaly so cant judge with how or what she did with her life
manda x
ppl are only stating opinions hun, sorry if you dont agree with what is being said
I've just heard it on the radio's lunchtime news. What a shame, honestly to have lost her son last year, then leave a baby like that. I really do feel for her family. Like Manda said we've all done silly things in the past, got the skeletons in our closet we'd rather forget about, I do really feel for her family right now.
it is a shame but if it was because of drugs she has taken then she is the only 1 to blame, sorry but thats my opinion
The way i feel about it is i am soooooo sorry for the little baby because no baby should be motherless, but at the same time i think that if that little mite had been as precious to anna as she should have been she would not have taken drugs and run the risk of death, especially after seeing her son die before her eyes due to drugs.
littlelady87 said:
it is a shame but if it was because of drugs she has taken then she is the only 1 to blame, sorry but thats my opinion

Totally agreed but nothing has been proven yet. The inquest won't start for a few days yet.
i have nothing against her and if she didnt take drugs then that is fair enough x
I dont think anyones saying that she deserved to die, just that the baby may be better off with someone else.

I watched the anna nicole show and her behaviour was disgusting.

It is very sad, the life she had, and one can only guess at what went on for her to make her so self destructive.

That doesnt mean she deserved to die, just that its not surprising and probably a blessing in disguise for that baby.
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