is it true

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littlelady87 said:
what the heck you lot on about you nutters?? :rotfl:

i have no idea whats going on.
its a bit disturbing as i have been accused of having someone up my arse -
3 points this mornig quiet agree with honey buzz and think your supposed witty comments about bums etc are just a little a way of communicating between yourselves.

Second point me spoling for an argument oh no!!! I am far to busy and have far more interesting conversations to have!! But ne feels that comments are put on to try and undermine peolples views but I will say what I want to :rotfl:

yea in referncec I am probably what you call a "lurker" and there does appear to be a clique on here as one of you referenced but who cares really oh no not me :rotfl: Just wondere if some people are afraid to have an opinion and say it to some people.
ellouise said:
Just wondere if some people are afraid to have an opinion and say it to some people.

i have wondered that too.
Though you would have, hence thought I needed to pointt it out. Glad I did now
i think most people on here vent to others via msn.
i think this is why i am totaly lost at the moment as to where this post is going as i do not go on msn regualarly if ever
From what I have seen you post Budge a lot of the girls here seem to like & know how to take you.

People are sick of being slapped down & humiliated from a bad mouths (which is in general) when they don’t have the same car seat or opinions as them & its quite laughable when you see ‘follow my leader’ happening although in general on whole its quite off putting to newbies. Scared to join in on normal conversations even about cats & dogs for crying out loud & the support that most girls are here for probably shouldn’t ask for fear of being beaten down with how wrong they are blah blah blah.

Crikey some of you just shot down 2 regular members in this thread – One seems to be a mod & from what I’ve read helps run the forum but isn’t she still a member? Didn’t she volunteer to *help* but because she is a mod she’s not entitled to tell somebody their manner is far from ok! Would have been ok if she wasn’t a mod – “because you’re a mod blah blah blah…” & Freya (I think that’s right) looks like she is one of the nice members on here so well done drive them all away & be left with the gobby ones.

Sorry as an inactive member I maybe should have kept my mouth shut? Or maybe you can think that as a browser why have I not posted in x many months? I forgot about this forum for a while if I’m honest but when I did stumble back on here there was just no way …..
Second point me spoling for an argument oh no!!! I am far to busy and have far more interesting conversations to have!!
Well correct me if i am wrong but what have to last oh say 10 posts been if the were not to provoke an argument, please :roll: [/code]
Oh my goodness how things have developed since I signed off yesterday, accusations of cliqueness, girls up other girls bums, exploding heads and to top it all off, experts on forum behaviour :rotfl:

Maybe if the lurkers didnt lurk so much they may make some friends and actually get to know people here, then the comments made in jest to lighten the mood would be taken in context, and not result in accusations of butt-chewing and nepatism.

I think everyone just needs to chill out 8)

Ive never chewed butt in my life, in real life or virtual life, but I will always state my opinion and if that seems to be favouring one person over the other, well get over it FFS lol, and im pretty sure that the majority involved in this post have the same attitude.

Ive never noticed any cliques here, just some people get on better than other, thats life!
rightly said GGG, its ok but these new members or 'lurkers' have come here and shouted off about members because of reading this one post, do you really know the ppl you are talking about like we do? you cant just go off making accusations like that it isnt fair at all, if you dont like our opinions then why the hell are you reading this thread and saying your not trying to cause an argument when blatantly you are, get over it :roll: :talkhand:
^ Get you LOL :bored: Some people were just stating how it can look to them & is a little off putting. Clearly unconcerned members who mouth off them selves take priority with the small group of ‘clique’ people. Look at your behavior before jumping on someone who is clearly making a point that this kind of attitude DOES put people off and although maybe lurking we CAN read. I'd be concerned why browsers don't feel they can post in fear of being trampled on by some of the small minded bitchy girls on here - A small group maybe but enough. Sad really because there are plenty of girls here who can hold a normal conversation!

:talkhand: Applies to you really doesn't it sweetie! Have a look at previous pages in this thread where you clearly couldn't leave it be.

Silly - I think I will sign off here & refrain from seeing any more silly replies. Some people have maturity but some don't making it pointless for me to return.

Think one of the most important things to remember is if you act badly prepare yourself to be told! Damn right so you should be too!
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