Oh my goodness how things have developed since I signed off yesterday, accusations of cliqueness, girls up other girls bums, exploding heads and to top it all off, experts on forum behaviour
Maybe if the lurkers didnt lurk so much they may make some friends and actually get to know people here, then the comments made in jest to lighten the mood would be taken in context, and not result in accusations of butt-chewing and nepatism.
I think everyone just needs to chill out 8)
Ive never chewed butt in my life, in real life or virtual life, but I will always state my opinion and if that seems to be favouring one person over the other, well get over it FFS lol, and im pretty sure that the majority involved in this post have the same attitude.
Ive never noticed any cliques here, just some people get on better than other, thats life!