is it true

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budge said:
Alfiesmummy said:
not any more though ay!

:lol: i bet she looks a mess dead too

okay after reading this and a lot more.. i'm disgusted that you would even say that :shock:

know one knows what this woman was going though, she sounded like a very messed up women, who was crying out for help.... she had just lost her son, he had died in her hospital room after she gave birth to her daughter.... like that would not mess you up :x

and know one knows if she was taking drug... i heard from the news she just fainted... so know one can pass judgement on that, as i said we do not know what she was like and her state of mind

i'm very up set that you women on here can be so nasty to say things like that :( i know there your opinion but just keep it to your self and not make jokes about a women who has just died and you don't even know

i mean would you like it, if some one said you looked a mess when your dead????????????

i don't think so
i hope your not saying this bout me because i have said nothing of the sort, i not going to comment on this anymore
littlelady87 said:
i hope your not saying this bout me because i have said nothing of the sort, i not going to comment on this anymore

only the people who said nasty comments about a dead women
neeko_1 said:
budge said:
Alfiesmummy said:
not any more though ay!

:lol: i bet she looks a mess dead too

okay after reading this and a lot more.. i'm disgusted that you would even say that :shock:

know one knows what this woman was going though, she sounded like a very messed up women, who was crying out for help.... she had just lost her son, he had died in her hospital room after she gave birth to her daughter.... like that would not mess you up :x

and know one knows if she was taking drug... i heard from the news she just fainted... so know one can pass judgement on that, as i said we do not know what she was like and her state of mind

i'm very up set that you women on here can be so nasty to say things like that :( i know there your opinion but just keep it to your self and not make jokes about a women who has just died and you don't even know

i mean would you like it, if some one said you looked a mess when your dead????????????

i don't think so

i completley agree neeko, well said :hug:
it's all cool :hug: :wink:

it just up set me abit with what was said about her.... i'm not a big fan of slagging people off when there not well off in life.. do you get me??
poor baby? Nah well out of it, feel sorry for a child being motherless? well maybe now the baby will be placed in responsiblie hands, no i didnt know her but then again I dont know the other sickos in the world let me ask you a question have you seen on the news that woman and man who basically tortyued their daughter, now tell me that you dont "pass judgement on her too" at the end of the day shes dead, and speculation is saying "through drugs" so knowing her or not knowing her she took that risk SHE chose to go down a path where her child could become motherless and yes it is true her son died through drugs but let me ask you her losing one child gives her the right to put aside her motherly duties to this child? Im sorry but yes people have made mistakes in their lives but noone else can be blamed for having an opinion on a women who takes her life so lightly when a child is involved I know how important my child is to me and how much i love him and i dont care how much of a buzz something gives me i wouldnt put him in a position where he had no family left, im not fussed if you think im cruel but yeah by the sounds of that women her little girl would be better off placed in a loving caring home. shame when a fix comes before your child!
Alfiesmummy said:
poor baby? Nah well out of it, feel sorry for a child being motherless? well maybe now the baby will be placed in responsiblie hands, no i didnt know her but then again I dont know the other sickos in the world let me ask you a question have you seen on the news that woman and man who basically tortyued their daughter, now tell me that you dont "pass judgement on her too" at the end of the day shes dead, and speculation is saying "through drugs" so knowing her or not knowing her she took that risk SHE chose to go down a path where her child could become motherless and yes it is true her son died through drugs but let me ask you her losing one child gives her the right to put aside her motherly duties to this child? Im sorry but yes people have made mistakes in their lives but noone else can be blamed for having an opinion on a women who takes her life so lightly when a child is involved I know how important my child is to me and how much i love him and i dont care how much of a buzz something gives me i wouldnt put him in a position where he had no family left, im not fussed if you think im cruel but yeah by the sounds of that women her little girl would be better off placed in a loving caring home. shame when a fix comes before your child!

i see your point too, alfies mummy, but i just think its a bit wierd how she and her ex-husbands son were facing a lengthy court battle and she just suddenly 'convieniently' passes away :roll:
We don't know if she was on drugs or not.
We don't know what killed her.
We don't know if the child will be placed into "responsible hands" or not, so who's to say if the child will have a better life now?

Until we know the facts can we stop slagging off a dead woman please?
Alfiesmummy said:
poor baby? Nah well out of it, feel sorry for a child being motherless? well maybe now the baby will be placed in responsiblie hands, no i didnt know her but then again I dont know the other sickos in the world let me ask you a question have you seen on the news that woman and man who basically tortyued their daughter, now tell me that you dont "pass judgement on her too" at the end of the day shes dead, and speculation is saying "through drugs" so knowing her or not knowing her she took that risk SHE chose to go down a path where her child could become motherless and yes it is true her son died through drugs but let me ask you her losing one child gives her the right to put aside her motherly duties to this child? Im sorry but yes people have made mistakes in their lives but noone else can be blamed for having an opinion on a women who takes her life so lightly when a child is involved I know how important my child is to me and how much i love him and i dont care how much of a buzz something gives me i wouldnt put him in a position where he had no family left, im not fussed if you think im cruel but yeah by the sounds of that women her little girl would be better off placed in a loving caring home. shame when a fix comes before your child!

i understand what your saying.. but the women on the news... had trouted her little girl for ages, yes she was in a horrible position.. and i'm not condoling that kind of behaviour a tall, but anna did not take these actions on her child and i believe the child still has family and is not all on her own to fen for herself... as i said we haven't got a clue what had happen the hours before she died... we just know that she fainted? she could of had a brain clot?? we just don't know, yes there are a lot of sickos out there that should be locked up, but with anna she had a lot going on in there life that we haven't experienced. and we could all see that she was not mentality all there..

and again with the women who trouted her child,and anna are different situations..

until we know the results of why she died we can't say it was drugs

but if it was then it is a shame to leave your little behind, but the women was obuvios not right in the head
I think she was bumped off by the possible father.... like they are saying on news its all a bit strange
urchin said:
We don't know if she was on drugs or not.
We don't know what killed her.
We don't know if the child will be placed into "responsible hands" or not, so who's to say if the child will have a better life now?

Until we know the facts can we stop slagging off a dead woman please?

:clap: here here short and sweet :clap:
EVERYONE in this world has hard things to come through there is noone who hasnt had heartache in their life, but some chose to deal with it in different ways and some to be quite frank are just a cowardly way, people believe that what hapens in their lives make them the people they are, thats not the case its how you deal witht those things that make you who you are.

I can see that my opinions on this matter are going to get me into trouble and i like this forum lol so i dont want to be getting a ban, however i will say yes anna and those parents were different situations it was just an example.
EVERYONE in this world has hard things to come through there is noone who hasnt had heartache in their life, but some chose to deal with it in different ways and some to be quite frank are just a cowardly way, people believe that what hapens in their lives make them the people they are, thats not the case its how you deal witht those things that make you who you are.

I can see that my opinions on this matter are going to get me into trouble and i like this forum lol so i dont want to be getting a ban, however i will say yes anna and those parents were different situations it was just an example.
i agree withn this, lets just say we all have our own opinions on this so ;lets just leave it now if everyone is gona get ofended
I dont know the whole "ins and outs" of this either but I do feel sorry for her baby growing up not knowing her mother!

It's bad enough when you mother dies when you are older let alone when you are a baby. And plus all this baby os going to grow up knowing is the stories that were in the press about her mum... true or false!

She should have been able to grow up and decide to make her own opinion on her mother herself.
yeh it was getting a bit heated.....

where very strong and opinionated women :wink:
it aint worth falling out over opinions i will say thAT much
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