is it to soon to test


Active Member
Jul 23, 2008
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hi everyone i just dont know wat to do here as most of you know i m/c in december i had a dnc done on the 5th december and every week after that i had a day bleeding and a day off and then on the 5th january i had a proper period...before my m/c i had a cycle of 19 days max some were shorter than that as well ...well it is now the 31st january and i still have not got af?? my question is when do you all think i should do a hpt??
if i go on a 28 day cycle then i would be due af on 2 feb but i have never in my life had a 28 day cycle so i just dont breasts are not very tender but they never was on the past 2 pregnancies(both m.c) and i have been feeling sick allllllllll the time lately and as past preg goes i loose a lot of weight at the start of preg and i have lost weight as well (too much actually...but was told it is from worry) sorry i am rambling on but i am so tempted to do a hpt but i am so very scared at the same time cause the last two times i found out i was preg they both ended in disaster :oops:

so any sugestions would be great

thanks all and i hope you all are going on your way to holding a beautiful bundle of joy
sounds like u could well be- only way is to test :hug: if ur normal cycle is 19 days (WOW thats short!) then ur period is well overdue- a test should show up :hug: good luck babe :hug: xx
i think i will wait till monday but i hope it is good news ..i just dont want to tell anyone if i get a bfp but i will post on here and let you all know anyways i would have to tell someone lets hope it :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
yes i did a test and it came up negative but still feel sick all da time nd no sign of af coming so very confusing to me right now
oooh aussie wait it out hon... I'd keep testing every now and again if I were you. All the symptoms point to it. I've not had sore boobs with any of mine (sore nerps with this on ubt not until 5/6 weeks)

fingers and toes crossed for you!
well i did one each day for the past week and still bfn but still not got af and i work in a cafe and i was nearly sick with the smell today and everything i eat tastes salty for some reason dont know i will do another test next week cause i am tired of seeing the neg line on em lol but will keep ya updated
sounding hopeful. when was AF due?

Fingers still crossed for ya
well i had a missed m/c on 5 dec 08, had to have a dnc on that day and i had a normal af on 5th jan 09 before i had missed m/c i was having a 19 day cycle but sometimes i had 26 days i have been known to have a 46 day cycle lol very irregular and i have been loosing a lot of weight lately due to stress and working to hard and not having regular meals so i really dont know when i am actually due sounds silly but i think my eating habits are the cause of af not coming i tested again yesterday (couldnt help myself) and still negative so i just wait and see what happens i think
Oh it must be so hard not knowing... I am lucky with my BFPs I didn't have to wait around for them but I do feel for people who get BFNs but no AF... It's confusing and must make you so infuriated!

I'm really hoping it's your month this month hon, but try not to worry yourself into a stupor - you don't want to get ill over this!


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