Is it to early?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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When did everone start buying things for the LO. Im 14 +3 and i keep seeing all these gorgous baby things i want, is it to early to start buying yet?
I bought my first few bits after I had my 20 week scan - just so that I knew that the baby was ok and whether I was buying for a boy or a girl!
We still havent bought anything for the baby. We havent even looked down the baby aisles in the supermarkets yet. don't think we are going to start buying till mid or end of january, and i'll be about 8 months by then! Other people have been buying for us, so if the baby arrives early we do have some things.
I dont think 14 weeks it too early, its probably better to wait until after your 20 week scan though, so you by buy boy or girly things.
Happy baby shopping :D .
i didnt buy anything till i was 7months coz i was scared to:)
I did after my 20 week scan too. I think as long as you have the main things that you need by 7 months in case you're either early or need to stay in hospital for some reason, there is no hurry. I think it's more tempting if you know which sex you're having though.
this time i started buying things after my 20 week scan, with my other children i didnt start buying things till i was 30 weeks plus
I'm buying now, i can't afford all new things so if i see a bargain i get it 'cause i'd rather pay a little now than lots further down the line. eg electric Advent steam sterilizer for £1 :shock: :rotfl:
oldermum said:
I'm buying now, i can't afford all new things so if i see a bargain i get it 'cause i'd rather pay a little now than lots further down the line. eg electric Advent steam sterilizer for £1 :shock: :rotfl:

My thoughts exactly. Besides as its just before xmas people sell stuff on ebay because they are desperate and things go really cheap compared to the rest of the year! :oops:
I have put some money on a pram and have brought a steamer for the bottles, but other than that I have brought nothing.

We wnat to wait and make sure the baby is ok and what sex it is. Basically I just want to know what I am catering for. :hug:
We waited till after 20 week scan, as we wanted to know all was ok and buy blue or pink things, I have since bought a bundle of pink things on ebay (30 items for £3.00!!!!) BARGAIN!! Have ordered the travel systme (with my dad :lol: ) and will be buying more bits in the Jan sales :pray: :lol:
just waiting for the Jan sales really

Have bought a few items of clothing but thats it.

Im still wondering what exactly to get you see but I think after 20 weeks scan your pretty safe to start shopping away!

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