
Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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...That im already nesting? i keep getting the urge to clean and decorate and im loving trhe fresh air and sunshine! i open all the doors and windows and get to work! today i got up with the need to take out DDs huge barbie playhouse into the garden and make room for baby lol. then i get bummed that i cant lift and run around like a mad chicken lol :lol: Does anybody else feel like this or am i the only crazy obsessed prego lady in here :roll: haha!
im nesting - like MAD.

seriously, on my days off work i spend the whole day tidying and cleaning!!!

dont worry, your not alone!
oh thankgoodness... i was just having a look at the poll beofre you replied and saw that there was 2 NOs and just me voting YES haha!
I got the urge to scrub the house from top to bottom at about 6 weeks and since then, we have been living in a pit coz I can't be bothered to lift a finger!
I was up on the kitchen worktops yesterday clean the tops of the cupboards haha :lol:
I keep getting mad too that I cant move things its so annoying!
i cleared my dd's room out last night and sent dh to the tip with 7 black bin bags full :D the playroom is next :)
I want to!! We have just moved & there is still so much to do but I just dont have the energy!!
For some reason during my first pregnancy and current pregnancy I became a little obsessed with the garden!! My first pregnancy, altho later on, closer to my due date I was pulling out bushes I didnt like all along the fences and obsessed with hanging baskets/nice flowers!!! This time we have just undergone a massive garden project where I have spent weeks on/off painting fencing and trellises (and being told off in the process!!) Sickened myself now but theres only about half a days work left on it lol!!! Must say tho the garden looks amazing now!! :rotfl: xx
I haven't got that nesting instinct yet :( I hope I get it soon!
I cleaned the house from top to bottom yesterday but I do that anyway so its not nesting and I had to keep sitting down because my ankles were all swollen, I hate having to stop when I'm half way through! :wall:
Haven't got the nesting urge yet, but if anyone needs a house to spring clean i'll pm you my address :D

Sarah xxx
I am to tired to be doing all that on my days off!
Struggling to do just my washing weekly never mind monster cleaning sessions!!!
Most definately yes! Im annoying my OH bigtime!!

Claire x
I'm nesting sooo bad too!! :shock:

Cleared all of my daughters room & moved her into the bigger room so the new baby can have the smaller room, painted both rooms, sorted all her clothes out. Sorted all my daughters toys out for the charity shop.

Cleaned the kitchen, from top to bottom, all cuboards - inside & out, & all the above has been done since last Saturday.

I can't stop vaccuming too, any speck or crumb on the floor the hoover come flyng out!!

I'm not usually the house proud type but I just can't help myself - it's very strange! (bit good aswell)

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