Is it possible?

Sarah L

Apr 16, 2005
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Hi ladies,

I just wanted to get your advice. I'm on day 26 of my cycle and couldn't wait any longer so did a pg test with one of those early testing kits. Anyway, I couldn't believe it as there is definitely a very, very faint line.

I can't quite believe that I might be pg after six frustrating months of trying. We only bd once this month on day 10 and I normally have a 28 day cycle, so wouldn't consider this my fertile time.

Do you think there's a chance I could be pg, or am I getting my hopes up unnecessarily?


Could be :) - do another test first thing in the morning, that is always a good time for pg readings - good luck!

Was the line the colour it should have been? or was it grey?

On most tests you can actually just see the reagent stuff when it's wet, where the line or dot would appear if you're preg! just checking cos that happened to me last month! :?

On the other hand if you ov'd early this cycle and ovd aroung 9/10/11th you may have caught that egg, and around now af would be due, so you could be 15dpo?

but, yes retest, n lets us know :wink:

It was a very faint pink line. I can't stop looking at it, though I probably shouldn't take any notice of it now as I did it a few hours ago. A similar thing happened to me a few months back and I got my af a few days later and was v.upset, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up!
If it's pink it sounds like a BFP. Do an other test and let us know asap
Sounds like BFP if it's pink!

Good luck!!! let us know as soon as you do another test! try and do it with your first wee though. Apparently the best way is to wee the first bit down the loo, use the middle of the stream and then the last bit of wee down the toilet again. All very complicated but that's what my docs and hosp make u do - maybe you'll get a clearer result then?
I did another test yesterday and got a much stronger line, so it likes like I could be pg. I won't relax until my af is officially late though as a similar thing happened to me a few months ago and I got my af on day 32 and was really upset. Fingers crossed anyway! I honestly didn't think it would happen this month as we only bd on day 10 which I thought was far too early.
Hi Sarah,

First of all Congratualtions and dont worry this time you will get the result you want.Do keep us posted.

What were your symptoms before doing the test?Did you do the test after you got the IB or before?

I have got real sore boobs (especially the nipples) for over a week now which is no way getting better.I so also weeing a lot.But have not had any IB till now and thats why am not testing.I am due on 23rd.

Any suggestions??????

from what I can remember some one else saying is that is you Ov'd early (I.e could have been around day 10 if you think you are PG) - then you should get AF 14 days ish after - making the cycle roughly 24 days?

Does that make sense?
Bad news! I started bleeding today. I think its af, but not entirely sure. Does anyone know about implantation bleeding and when this is likely to happen?
Ummm I don't know much about inplantation bleeding but I think it can happen at any time in the early weeks.

If the bleeding is light/brown it could be implantation. Wait an see what happens - if it doesn't really carry on though - do another test.

Sorry i'm not too sure - I've been bleeding most of the time I've known I've been pregnant - but it's not implantation.

Sorry that probably didn't help much! :roll:
Hi Sarah

I'm sorry about that.I thought you said you did get positive lines when you tested.Was so hopefull for you.

I appologize for the previous mail.

I did get two positive tests, one yesterday and the other the day before. The line from the one yesterday was very dark and I was really starting to get my hopes up.

I've heard that 50% of pregnancies end before the woman even realises she is pregnant, so maybe its my stupid fault for testing too early and getting my hopes up.

Has this happened to anyone else - its happened twice in the last six months now and I'm so, so fed up with this ttc business.
my first 2 m/c's were at 5 or 6 weeks gestation - so alot of womenmay not have known. Apparently, only 1 out of 6 fertilised eggs make it past 8 weeks gestation. Scary thought :(

What is your bleeding like?
Its pink/brown mucasy type bleeding, but that's usually how my af starts, but not normally at this time of day - its usually always first thing in the am.

I've just done another pg test and its still positive.

Has anyone else had this and then gone on to have a baby?
Hi Sarah,

I had implantation bleeding the day my Af was due, I was convinced it was my Af, but it never got very heavy and only lasted three days. I did a test went it had stopped and it was postive. I'm now 12 weeks pregnant. So think positive, there is every chance your are pregnant. Keep us posted.
Thanks Cathy, I'll try and stay positive. I think if nothing happens tomorrow, then there's a chance I'm still pg. Will keep you posted.

This is probably abit too personal, but what was your bleeding like. Mine is very brown and membraney, if that's a word.


I also wanted to ask, did you get any cramping at all with the bleeding. I don't have bad cramping, but can definitely feel twinges every now and then, but I think that can happen at implantation stage too.

Hi Sarah,

It felt like I was going to start my Af, I had cramping like I would have just before my Af. Sorry for TMI but the bleeding was browny red, there wasnt alot mainly when I wiped. It lasted threee days, by which time I did a test to rule out being pregnant, which turned out positive!

Are you still bleeding and is it heavy??
Hi Cathy,

Thanks for your reply.

I havn't had any bright red bleeding yet, and the brown/pinky discharge seems to have stopped for now, but I had some more this morning, so its been going on for about two days. Usually when I get my period it goes straight into it - if you see what I mean, i.e I don't have days of browny discharge, it just gets increasingly heavier.

Its so odd, I just wish if it was my period then my body would just get on with it!

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