Is it possible??


Jan 13, 2010
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I know I'm probably clutching at straws here!

last month my husband said he was sure i am pregnant, however, I had my af on 13th July, it was early which it never is, however my stomach is majorly bloated and quite firm, also i'm needing the loo all the time, as soon as i'm off the loo i need to go again, i'm even waking in the night which never happens. Do you think it is possible to bleed and be pregnant??

I feel as though i am waking up with a hangover everyday!
have you done a test? how many days after af is it? could it have been implantaion bleeding?

sorry so many questions xx
AF finished by 15th August, i thought it might be too soon to test, the af was quite heavy but short in time.

I dunno, I just feel different!
i would test if at all unsure at least it will put your mind at rest ib is usually quite light i think but well worth a check fx for you xx
Im sooo scared of seeing that BFN again. Its coming up to 19 months now, and everyone seems to be having babies except me! :( don't think my husband would like me testing either he knows how upset i get!

Is it possible to bleed during early pg?
yes it is possible but if you don't want to see a bfn wait and see xx
just wait a while and see if you miss this months af hun just try and chill out as your body can be cruel and mimic sysmptoms, good luck huni!!
Thanks, I know how the body can play tricks, I went 4 months without an af over xmas and really thought i was pregnant!!
I would wait Hun The 15th was only last week. Good luck thou :dust:
Try and wait, Fingers crssed for you tho :) xxx
I would test again its the only way your minds guna be sane! x

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