Is it possible to never labour naturally?!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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So, I'm 3 days overdue and not getting much of any signs or symptoms that my body will go into labour. Does anyone know if it's possible for some women to just never actually go into labour naturally?! I know it might be a daft question but I had to be induced at term+14 (born at +16) last time and have a strong feeling same will happen again this time. I really want a natural labour but just don't think my hormones are going to do the business.

Seeing MW on Monday where I'll get a date to be induced sob. Really had hoped I wouldn't need a 40+5 appointment.

I'm aware baby still has a week to come naturally, but I'm just not feeling it!
Aw Rooster sorry your still waiting. Not got any advice but I'll be watching this thread. I'm a ftm so no experience but just have a gut feeling I'm going to have to be induced. My booked in on 8th May which feels like ages away. Hurry up babies!
I think I'm resigning myself to an induction. Just feels weird that this could happen twice? It'll be good to get an induction date anyway so at least I'd know when the end will be! Could be between May 4th-6th (term +12-14... MW wasn't sure when my hospital did inductions - she'll soon be finding out :lol: )
Are you going to have any stretch and sweeps? I was induced with my first at term +12, and was desperate for the same not to happen this time

I had two s&s and went into labour naturally at 40+5 (well waters went and he was born at 40+6)

Until my contractions actually started on the sat/sun night is didn't feel at all like I'd go into labour naturally (and my waters had gone on the sat morn)

If you get that far have you thought about refusing induction to give yourself a few extra days? Xx
I don't think i'd want to get past term+14 to be honest. Never had a sweep, though not out of choice. Last time my son was far too high up to even consider a sweep - even when I was term+12! I'm hoping on Monday i'll get offered one and see if that does anything for me.
Request a s&s.

Like Becky said you are always able to refuse an induction, they would then monitor you extra closely.
Cheers. Hopefully I'll get a sweep on Monday. As much as I'd like to avoid induction I'd rather have things started after term+14 days. I was just more curious whether it's a thing to not produce enough of the labour starting hormone? It just seems a bit odd if it ends up happening again?
It's perfectly normal for some women not to go into labour naturally until after 42 weeks.

Induction of labour at 42 weeks is a relatively recent thing.
Do you have a naturally longer cycle? I've heard that some woman are just not destined to have a 40 week gestation - their babies aren't ready to pop out at that point and their bodies are always naturally designed to keep the babies for a few weeks longer so you might just fall into that category. Which isn't much fun of course - as in the UK we won't let woman go over 42 weeks (for lots of good safety wise reasons). But maybe your body just won't naturally go into labour before that point. Fingers crossed for you this time. I can imagine how frustrating the last stretch is for you. I would def take a sweep. See if that triggers some movement in your cervix.

Good luck :-)!
Thanks ladies. My cycle is usually 28 days or thereabouts. I must have a 10 month pregnancy if my body was left to it!
My first was two weeks late, I was induced at 37 weeks with my second (so I'll never know) but my third baby arrived the day after her due date. Try and be patient. It's perfectly possible to labour naturally x x
Thanks all. Just seen the community MW as had an appointment anyway. I'm 2-3cm now and been given a sweep. I also got booked in for an induction but noone reckons i'll need it since i had about 4 contractions whilst at the appointment.
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