Is it odd to be looking forward to labour?

oh I know - I can't wait already! Keep thinking about it. I'm sure it won't be as pleasant as I'm imagining now when it comes to the actual D-day though..
I don't think its odd , Im nervous as it was long and a bit difficult last time . But I'm not afraid to ask for what I need this time or to complain when the pain gets bad rather than try to be brave and stay quiet . I actually cant wait , I mean yes its sore and all but the end resukt is amazing and you do feel really strong and powerfull thinking I just did that .
Am in two minds, there's a part of me that is excited and wants to experience labour, just to know what it is like and how I'll cope, and to finally meet baby. Pickle already has a personality and I can't wait to see if the picture in my mind of what he or she is like matches Pickle in appearance. Been watching OBEM, and think they must have picked the most dramatic ones for TV entertainment purposes, because if it were as bad as many of the women on there make out, they'd only have one.

There's another part of me that is concerned, not because of the labour, but after it, because all the time Pickle is in me, I know for sure that I can do everything in my power keep him or her safe, don't have that guarantee when he or she arrives when there is the potential for others to interfere (not talking about MIL, honest).
Am in two minds, there's a part of me that is excited and wants to experience labour, just to know what it is like and how I'll cope, and to finally meet baby. Pickle already has a personality and I can't wait to see if the picture in my mind of what he or she is like matches Pickle in appearance. Been watching OBEM, and think they must have picked the most dramatic ones for TV entertainment purposes, because if it were as bad as many of the women on there make out, they'd only have one.

There's another part of me that is concerned, not because of the labour, but after it, because all the time Pickle is in me, I know for sure that I can do everything in my power keep him or her safe, don't have that guarantee when he or she arrives when there is the potential for others to interfere (not talking about MIL, honest).

Yes it absolutely can be that bad for some ladies, unfortunately. It does look dramatic when you see it on the telly and thats what I thought too, but trust me, at the bloody well is dramatic loool I thought I was dying loool - and its the closest i've ever felt to death (no joke) they show the majority of births like that because unfortunately thats what the majority of births are like - the people who sail through are very lucky.

It took me 7 years before I built up the courage to go through it again. I had nightmares of going through it again for a good few years lets just say. But the want/need for my daughter to have a sibling was very strong.
Not at all hun, it's my far the best experience I have ever had.. Yes it's sore, and it's hard work, but it's the most rewarding wonderful thing x
Oh and I agree with some other posts, my mum always told me "if it was THAT bad there would only be one baby in every family" :lol: I can't wait to give birth again and I'm not even TTC, or even WTT, it's years away xx
obviously at the end of it its very rewarding.

Every one is totally different, just because a few have had it good doesn't mean that everyone else has and vise versa. For some people it is the most lovely thing in the world for others its the worst.

I dissagree that pregnant women in labour would dramatise the birth, i'm sure thats the last thing going through their minds tbh.
I think it varies a lot, if you read the birth stories section. but youre absolutely not mad to be looking forward to it, I couldnt wait!! :lol:

If you speak to a lot of the postnatal mummies the ones who found it traumatic are usually ones who had sections/forceps/induction or other kinds of intervention. I think the key is to embrace the fact thats it your body doing it, labour isnt happening to you, you are doing it, and its a completely amazing thing to be able to do!
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I didn't imply anyone dramatized the birth, simply quoting something my mum said to help me relax. She herself had a horrific labour with my eldest brother, so she would know that it isn't "easy", I wouldn't say anyone had it easy, it still hurts but some people have less complications than others. Although there can be hard times during and after labour, the relief, calm and overwhelming feeling of love is there to help us get better x
Fm2b yours was the first birth story I read on here :) I still remember reading it :) xx
Ahh :) I might go for a read now myself, and maybe change that horrific pink writing too while I'm at it :lol: Before we know it we'll be reading yours chick xx
Its very rewarding or noone would ever do it again lol!! but i do agree, im VERY envious of the mummies who have sailed through their labours.. its not common unfortunately.. im hoping its my turn next!! :lol:
and i actually thought i was going to die and my insides were gonna come out when i was pushing with ellie :rofl: but at that point i actually didnt care! So i get what littlemiss was saying.. but the pain is over straight after and its only that bad at the last stage...
everyones labours are different no matter which number child your on.. im hoping for a smooth fast labour this time! I think ive earnt it lol!
3rd time lucky eh, hope you get an easier labour this time round hun x
I personally love labour !!! I know i'm whired been told that often enough !! but i struggle with pregnancy and have had fair easy and short labours xxx
its so nice to hear people looking forward to the labour and it makes me feel abit better too. Normally all you hear is horror stories and how bad it was and all the other negative nancy stuff! but to hear others are excited makes me feel excited also! thank you :)
The thing about it is , yes it hurts and yes its difficult but the end result is so lovely :)

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