Is it just me?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I seem to have had a really easy time of it. No cramp, no indigestion, no aches and pains. I feel no different to what I did in tri 2!

People keep asking me if I'm coping and are surprised I'm doing as much as I am but I feel great! I can't be the only one surely??

I'm not complaining I'm just shocked! I'll probs go hugely overdue and have a really bad birth to make up for it! Lol!

you can have my aches pains and indigestion and heartburn if you like :)
A few pains etc but don't feel at all as bad as I thoughts would. Still plenty of time I guess.x
Awww no it's great that u feel so good means ucan enjoy it

enjoy it! i am 29 weeks and feel so tired all the time.... i miss the energy i had in tri 2 lol
I was like that, but I'm getting more uncomfortable and tired now. Fx you keep feeling great!
fingers crossed i get to that stage feeling like that.

I've noticed ive been a wee bit tired this week, but that could be due to the stupid number of early shifts i had to do ( soooo not a morning person) - i mostly feel like baby has grown but bump hasnt. lol - like there doesnt seem to be as much space as there was before - yet i can still get into some of my non-maternity size 12 trousers.
lucky you! i've started feeling so crappy last few weeks :( u never know u might have a perfect time in labour too! xx
I've had the tiredness but I can deal with that. I used to so shift work so that's a normal feeling for me lol!

I didn't post to gloat or anything it's just sometimes it's hard to believe I am pregnant and so close to having a LO!!!

I've only had a few aches and pains but this last week I've really felt it, I'm shattered! I think its great that you feel so good! x x x
Im only 33 weeks and getting uncomfortable, my hips hurt if i lay on my side and my back if i lay on my back so i end up waking up all night and tossing and turning. My back seems to really hurt while im sat too :( Thats only started over the last couple of days tho so hopefully it won't last! x
i have already noticed its harder to move about and i am still very tired...oh and the heartburn....but other than that, not too far!! have a long way to go though, although its starting to feel like i havent and am panicking a xx
God i wish i was like u this is the worst pregnancy ive ever had!! Im same as pf savvy my hips in the night really get sore then my back so i have to get up walk around while oh snores his bloody head off! Heartburn,cramp i could go on. Enjoy it!! Xx
God i wish i was like u this is the worst pregnancy ive ever had!! Im same as pf savvy my hips in the night really get sore then my back so i have to get up walk around while oh snores his bloody head off! Heartburn,cramp i could go on. Enjoy it!! Xx

Lol I think you meant redbear (not PF savvy) baby brain is a nightmare isn't it especially combined with sleep deprivation.
Some one else going through the same... at least its not just me! Also started throwing up again todaywhich makes the heartburn worse... aswell as all the joint pain im feeling very sorry for myself, Made Dh give me a back rub while i sat on my ball yesterday made me feel better lol x
I've also felt great throughout and still do, only feeling fed uop because I want him here but not for reasons of pain or whatever else. Slight heartburn for about a week but I feel great just bored x
it's only really the last couple of weeks that my heartburn has kicked in and my hips/pelvis are aching more and more as the baby drops further and gets heavier - here's hoping you continue not to suffer and enjoy! :dance:

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