Is it hard and a ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hiya ladies.. :wave:

I have noticed that quite a few of you have nippers that are quite close in age and some of you are trying again shortly after getting pregnant...

I just wanted ask what was the reason for ttc again so soon after pregnancy and if its hard raising two little ones.

I think its a nice idea to have children close in age but I guess im curious :think:

Thank you muchlys... :hug:
I love having mine close together. They are really close already :D My main reason for wanting another so soon was I knew if I waited any longer i would change my mind. Once they hit a certain age and start being more active and hard work you change your mind. Thats why my 1st 2 babies had over 5 years between them, but with Aimee and Nathan I did it before she turned into a pain, lol, so I couldn't change my mind. It is hard work but sooo rewarding and it isn't really any more disruption to your life because you already have everything there for them.
with my DD's there is almost a 5yr age gap but i agree that i wnt be waiting that long again as it is harder to want a baby the older they get. altjo i dnt want one straight away as i would like to return to uni and finish my degree and start a job but i would want another before she is 2-3yrs.

Thanks for answering ladies, I guess although i get on with my sis it would have been nice to have someone who is closer in age to grow up with as i didnt really have anyone to play with...

So i guess thats part of where my question stems from...

What did you ladies do about taking time off work? Or did you just take a few years or something out or work part time...
Steelgoddess said:
What did you ladies do about taking time off work? Or did you just take a few years or something out or work part time...

I left work when I was pregnant with Aimee and don't intend to go back till Nathan starts school. Its just easier for me this way :D
I started ttc as I so loved becoming a mum the first time round, I knew we we would have more babies one day and I wanted them to be close. However I wished I'd had a bigger gap, say 2-3 years instead of 14 months as it has been really hard work and I feel both babies have missed out by being born so close together. I have little time to give them quality attention, which riles me. It's lovely seeing how much they love each other already, but I wouldn't recommend the age gap I have.
I don't work, I'm a stay at home mum and my husband supports us. I'll probably go back to work when the children start nursery/school part time.
We would like a big family so it makes sense to not to wait too long, we simply waited until we were ready emotionally for another pregnancy and LO. Having just Isaac or Isaac and 2 more LO's makes no difference to us in our regards for lavishing love and attention on them. I'm sure it will be hard work but being a Mummy to Isaac and more LO's is what I would love to do with my life, and I am also feeling the need to do this sooner rather than later as I feel my age is a factor too :)
Thanks so much for the input!!!

I guess ill have to achieve LO no 1 before thinking abot seconds lmao!!


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