How long between pregnancys?

LO was conceived when mark was 9 weeks old :shock: we were not using any contrception but it was still a shock we fell so quickly. too late now though, :pray: its a good baby. can imagine its gonna be hard with a new born and 1 yr old :|
Hmm, my hubby feels that one is enough at the moment, so I am not thinking about whether I would like another child at the moment. However my periods still haven't returned yet so I couldn't even if we wanted to. I am amazed as well at how quickly other people have been able to conceive again. It goes to show just how different everybodies bodies are.
There's 5 yrs between my 1st 2 and I really decided that was it as we had a dd and a ds but then last yr I decided I was desperate for a baby so we ttc and now expecting another girl in Aug when my youngest turns 9!
i was another one that went for a small age gap, alex was not quite 3 months when i got pregnant with chris, and i have to agree with dionne, in sayin that at first it was hard and i pretty much hated it, it was just endless nappies n feeds never left the house lol but they r 6 n 5 now and they r the best of friends they do absolutely everythin together and i love it i would recommend it to anyone!!

i cant of thought it was all that bad really either tho as when i had ryan i tried for the same age gap again with him and baby but it took a little longer to conceive this time
Minime said:
Me too! Looking at starting in september as I want a summer baby. We've got me in december, Stace in January, my OH on 24th Feb and Eefie on 28th Feb so want to break it up a bit!

we are probley going to start trying september/october time too as i also want a summer baby
Kiyanna was roughly 1 year & 8 months wen i got pregnant with elise and was roughly 2 1/2 when i had her. when their close 2gether they play and tlak to each other. having Kiyanna helpedd Elise to walk cause she wnated to do the things that Kiyanna was doing.
x sophie x
3/4 yr gap i think we will have, if we have more that is but everytime i say 'no more babies' i come on here and want another dozen!! :wall: :lol:

There will be 17 months between Kiara and LO if he ocmeson time that is :) I think its gonna be hard at first but when they both get older it will be nice for them to play together
We wanted an 18 month gap between ours so that they are one school year apart. Close together seems like more hard work during the pregnancy and first year of baby's life but the advantages are just as Dionne says - they do all the same things together and can be really close. I have a sister who is 18 months younger than me and we are the best of friends now so that influenced our decision a lot.

yea but some kids learn of each other dont they cause my bros son learnt of his sister, think theres 2 or 3yr gap between them 2.
We will have a 2 year 3 month gap between babies. We planned a 2 year gap but it took us another 3 months so things don't always go to plan with babies.

Pregnancy is going well and not as hard as I thought with Abbie. Abigail is independent enough to do lots of things so I can sit down if i need to but I feel that she is old enough to understand a little bit.

I personally didn't feel ready to be pregnant before 18 months, wanted my body back to full potential!!! Also suffered with PND so wanted to get of meds first. I am also really hoping I won't need a double buggy. A friend was saying its good if they are younger so your not having to get up and out to school when the LO is born everyday. Pro-cons to everything eh?
there is defo pros and cons. I want another one before I have to take Eva to nursery every day because my friend has a 3 year gap and she has to go out every day to get him to nursery and it seems like a pain if you dont drive, in the early days. Plus I want to be on maternity leave with Eva too, so I can have more time off with her before she is at nursery.

abbiesmummy - why don't you try a sling and a pushchair? or something like this ... asp?id=332

(where abbie's seat can fold in when she isn't using it)?
Buggypod so cool! A sling is a great idea, good exercise and I already have one! thanks x

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