Is it all downhill from here?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi ladies,

since about week 26 i've felt a definite shift in my energy levels. i'm constantly tired, no not tired, exhausted!! i have got to a stage where i feel like i can't do what i was before. for instance today i went out shopping with my mum for the day and half way through my feet were killing (even tho i had sandals on) and i felt so so tired, now i feel like i've overdone it! i'm only 27 weeks!!!!

so i take it this doesn't get better? i mean where does the energy for nesting come from?? xx

edit: ticker says i'm 28 weeks, see what exhaustion does ;)

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If I go out for a couple of hours I have to go to sleep when I get home...I'm always knackered!!! I always wear sandals just because they are the only shoes my fat ankles will fit into haha, but as for nesting, I only nested at about 20 weeks. Gone off that idea now, just want it over and done with!!xx
I've had this all the way through sadly :( think now you're carrying more weight and your body is working even harder :( have you had your bloods taken yet? Best to double check if you havent. Had mine done at 28 weeks turns out I was anaemic so that didnt help. xx
Oh and about the nestnig thing hun even though I've been knackered I've still done it because I've been unable to stop lol I have done now as bump is getting big and its getting hard :( xx
Oh and about the nestnig thing hun even though I've been knackered I've still done it because I've been unable to stop lol I have done now as bump is getting big and its getting hard :( xx

lauren ur thread in preg chat (?) was the reason for this thread lol! i read that you had been cleaning on ur hands and knees and thought :shock: where am i going to get the energy for that!!! :eh:

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Haha I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news but for me it was downhill from about 20 weeks! Last night I got to sleep really early, at about midnight (LO is normally kicking me until 3am so I can't sleep) and then I slept until 11:40! Then I was still asleep on the sofa at half 4 this afternoon! I've always liked my sleep but this is just crazy!

im with you ft90 about always loving my sleep. and for me this is getting ridiculous. especially after ive eaten. i feel so knackered that i have to have a nap then after that im so hungry again that i eat then fall asleep. im surprised im not bigger than i am lol also on mondays and fridays i work 3 hours but i feel so shattered after those 3 hours its stupid x
im with you ft90 about always loving my sleep. and for me this is getting ridiculous. especially after ive eaten. i feel so knackered that i have to have a nap then after that im so hungry again that i eat then fall asleep. im surprised im not bigger than i am lol also on mondays and fridays i work 3 hours but i feel so shattered after those 3 hours its stupid x

I can't stand it! Luckily OH has been amazing, I haven't washed a dish since he's been home (over a week) but I'm still knackered all the time!

aww thats really nice of him. i would hate that though, i find dish washing relaxing lol my mum was saying she wants to get a dishwasher cos bumps getting in the way now and i just wanted to scream out nnnoooo lol my oh has been giving me massages though which has been lovely. but not the same. i still feel knachered aswell :-( x

Another bearer of bad news here - yes it does get worse

& thats exactly how i'd describe it, not so much tired but physically exhausted with every movement loool

Its wierd coz in Tri 2 ppl say - I love being pregnant, dont want to lose my bump ect, but the later stages of Tri 3 you tend to hear alot of....whens this baby coming, I cant take anymore!!

I find my energy levels really fluctuate. Some days I feel pretty good - like nearly 'normal' hahaa, though having said that I couldn't go out shopping all day like before I was pregnant.

On a bad day I have to sit down in my towel after getting out of the shower because I'm so tired. Doing the dishes or hanging out the washing is exhausting. On those days I'm often super thirsty so I'm guessing LO might be going through a growth spurt or something.

Good luck with it all. If you can manage it, a nap or two through the day might help. It makes all the difference for me.
Its only caught up with me this week so we're not all tired and lacking energy, had to drop the gym sessions to 3 this week so def getting tired now, so there is some hope! Don't have nesting bug though, hate housework with a passion, this baby will be born into dust and just have to lump it!
Wow u've still been going to the gym :shock: I'm forcing myself to Pilates once a week and that's it! X
I know it sounds strange but the days I do go I feel better than the days I don't!
I've been doing some light exercise the last few nights & I find it really helps with my hip & pelvic pain, its just trying to find the ones that you can do while pg.

I felt really tired at about 27 weeks I think, but then in a couple of weeks I got back to normal :) I still sleep loads, but apart from that it's not too bad...

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