Is HPV really that common? Scared!


Jan 2, 2014
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Hi ladies,

I am looking for a bit of advice or support.

I had the results of my first smear test over the weekend as it said I have signs of low grade dyskaryosis and hpv infection.

I am waiting for a hospital appointment so they can examine my cervix in more detail. I am trying not to worry too much as I have heard it is really common. I am not looking forward to the procedure either as my first smear test was awful, the lady was useless and she had to do a lot of digging around :-(

Any support would be great!

Thanks xxxxxx
Anyone?? Someone must have gone through this before that can offer some advice??

I think it is common. That's why they gave young girls the vaccine against it. It's thought to be one of the causes of cervical cancer but probably most women have HPV.
Just seen your post and wanted to reply - it is very common. I had the same back in 2010 (before I had my children). The only difference is mine was severe. I had the cells removed and all has been fine since. I too was concerned but I conceived about 7 months later (a month after I stopped taking the pill)! I have yearly smears and all have been normal since! Apparently they sometimes don't even do anything if the cells are only slightly abnormal as they can correct themselves I think. Good luck xxx
Hi there try not to worry I got myself all worked out as I has an abnormal smear in November 2012 I had cin 2 and th had the colposcopy for a biopsy then the cold coagulation to remove the cells.. It was all fine and not painful at all and now I'm nearly 24 weeks pregnant they say that the hpv virus can go away and there's nothing to worry about they will jus keep an eye on ur smears mine were clear just before I got pregnant x
I have HPV too, my 1st smear aged 25 was abnormal and a CIN1, which is mild dykarosis, I had a colposcopy/biopsy and they said I didn't need treatment and to repeat the smear in 1 year, went back year later, was the same result but they said it had improved slightly so didn't do any treatment, the following year HPV present still but everything else clear and the same result this year. Try not to worry, they will probably monitor you yearly rather than every 3 years and HPV can clear itself if your immune system is healthy. x

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