Post natal smear


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Well I had my first post natal smear last night and omg it hurt like hell!! It wasn't the actual speculum that hurt, it was the taking of the cells from my cervix that was painful! I have had laser treatment in the past for severe CIN 3 pre cancerous cells so the nurse said it might be the scar tissue that made it hurt. Bled a little too which was a bit scary.

Have any of you had your first post natal smear test done yet and how was it?

Lou :)
I asked to make an appointment for this but the nurse said you dont have to have it til ur 25 now! so thats another 5 yrs for me!
I thought you had to have it when over 25 or when you've had a baby(ies)... whichever comes first. ?? :? I had first baby at 24 - in London at the time. GP did smear and I was borderline. I think you should get it checked out once you've had a baby. Peace of mind, hey!! :D
Emilia xx
they start smearing at 25 so phew 3 more years to go before i start to worry!!! lol
I had my first smear when I went on the pill aged 19 and thats when they found I needed laser treatment. I have to have smears now every 6 months because I had problems. Its scary because if I'd waited it could have turned into cancer. The next step after CIN 3 is cancer so I came very close. And I had no symptoms whatsoever.

The smear I had the other night was at my post natal appointment (which was very overdue). when I made the appointment they said I needed a smear at the same time and the midwife said that 12 weeks after giving birth is the best time to have a smear test done.

You know what its like, they all say something different but if you ask for a smear test they shouldnt refuse you. Its your health after all!

Lou :)

I had to have mine before they gave me my bc pills when i was 15 had them every year since except last year cuz i was preg and they didnt wanna disturb anything
I'd never actually had one and they'd been chasing me for the past few years so instead of wimping out again I was brave and asked for one at my post-natal check up which was at 10 weeks. It wasn't too bad really and considering what we've all just been through not much of a deal, I felt stupid that I'd been so scared before :oops:

I had my first smear at 31, when my OH and I went to the GP for advice on TTC in general. She did the smear then and there (horrible experience), and told me she couldn't believe that I'd had none before. It must have come back ok, because nothing more was said about it, and the gynae at the post natal checkup said that I didn't need another one for about a year, seeing as I'd had one just before I got pregnant.


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