is having a cold bad for baby?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2008
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I have devloped a rotten cold and just feel awfull, im worried at how this might affect baby, does anyone know?
Also had night sweats a couple of times....worried i cook my little bean :oops: xx
I really cant see that having a cold could harm the baby. As long as you keep trying to eat healthily and dont take any flu medicines which you are not advised to take during pregnancy.

As for cooking the baby, I know we are not meant to get overly hot but people in hot countries have babies too! :D

Try not to worry! :hug:
I'm sure it wont be too bad hun... it cant be, you'll be fine im sure :hug:
I had one last week. To be honest i think most women must have some sort of cold or mild virus whilst pregnant because it lasts such a long time.
So i wouldnt worry. You can take parecetomol (sp) but just be carefull with anything else.
Hope you fel better soon
I am in same boat Rotten cold and tight chest :(

Im just drinking plenty and taking paracetamol if i need to xx Hope you feel better soon hun xx
Thanks Ladies, I hope you feel better soon to Karly :hug:
It won't harm the baby at all. I had an awful cold a couple of weeks ago and a chesty cough and felt really ill. As long as you are drinking plenty then everything will be fine :)
Hope you feel better soon, sending lots of hugs your way :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had a cold last week and if one more person comes into work with a cold i will scream.. stay at home and dont give it to me!!!

They are a pain when you are preggers as you cant take cold remedies. The only tiny bit of relief i found was:

Gargling with salt water to help the sore throat
Paracetomol will drop your temperature
olbas oil products to put on your pillow and the sweets to suck

I am now using the antibacterial hand gel products. better safe than sorry!

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