Is castor oil a good method of bringing on labour?

Oh gosh...I couldn't imagine having the runs in labour & the tummy ache with it as well as contractions! I've just eaten a whole fresh pine apple. I had a glass of champagne last night (someone told me about the bubbles containing enzymes)

Castor oil can have BAD consequences. in some cases, dehydration for you & LO. And if passed to LO he/she can then poop inside the womb & that can be fatal.

A Natural labour will be less stressful, more enjoyable & you will be in control!

Just keep eating the curries, pineapples & getting sexy time :) xxx
agree with above post, wouldnt recomend castor oil.
hope baby comes soon hun xxx
I'm going to wait it out...I can't wait til he gets here though :) at the same time.we don't have any names ready so maybe its a good thing :) x
Castor Oil is only dangerous if you take too much, i asked my midwife about it before taking it with my first. x
lol i have no names either! altho ive got 12 weeks left to think!
bet you cant wait now! do u know what team ur on hun?xx
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oo my bad first post says ur having a lil boy lol! boys names are so hard :wall: xx
I know, I like traditional ones but ones that aren't too popular either so it's difficult :( I suppose when we do eventually see him we'll think of something and actually stick to it! :) xx
Hiya I just went to antenatal class today and they were talking about aromatherapy.
Apparently something called clary sage (salvia sclares) promote contractions. Maybe sniffing that will start things up.
Might be worth a try.

Yankee candles sell a candle in this scent. I have one in my cupboard ready for nearer the time! LOL x
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Also I've heard popping an evening primrose oil capsule up your froo froo helps? Best check this out first tho!x
defo be doing some shopping for some stuff this week :) I'm not too worried about the sweep now (thurs) but I'm more worried about induction, I don't know how long after a sweep they do that :/ x
I wouldnt recommend the castor oil as I've heard of nasty stuff with that too, just seems too risky :( Id do what the others have said and continue trying the curries and the sex etc cuz at least they wont do any harm :P I wouldnt recommend not eating either, you and bubs need all the energy you can get esp since you could go any day now and one of the MW's at my hospital told me the worst thing you can do to yourself and baby is skip meals. Lol I could never manage without food x
When my sister went in with her last-the midwife showed me some pressure points for pregnant women thats supposed to help speed up labour - as her contractions had stopped completely! Whether it kicks it off is another thing.

But theres no harm in trying!

half way between your sholder and neck on both sides. The squidgy bit between your thumb and finger. Your achielles (sp?) and between the big toe. I'm pretty sure there is more on you leg and arm but can't really remember!

On the way home i was doing these pressure points as soon as we got back the contractions were back and up to 3 minutes apart! So straight back to the hospital we went! :)
i thought sex was the best because the tablet they use to bring on your labour is based on the hormone in sperm.... im going to be having lots of sex with my legs up in the air after :) not for a while longer though, i dont want him arriving too early.

my midwife told me all the rest (pineapple and castor oil) will give me a bad tummy and even though i maybe in pain its not labour and id be sent home to suffer. Thank god pineapple doesnt work... i love it :)

I always thought it was the Orgasm that set the contractions off and not the actual deed itself?
My Midwife and ante natal class said its the hormone in the sperm that does something to your cervix and thats why they made a tablet based on that.


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