Is Brown Blood normal??


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Hi Ladies

Just a quickie...started AF a few days ago after being convinced I was pregnant! Had really strong symptoms but that will teach me to symptom spot!

Anyway, when I came on it was red and brown blood (Sorry if TMI) followed by 3 days of brown blood I would say Light flow. This is exactly how I bled when I had my ectopic pregnancy so I rushed to Tesco's this morning to do a test which was Negative.

Rung the EPC who said I would have to have a positive test for it to ectopic so I stopped panicking...however I'm still freaked out by the brown blood??

Should I rule it of as an unusual period or see my doctor?? Not sure if anyone else has experienced this and know why it's happened??

Sorry for the grossness!!

Oh and all my symptoms - sore boobs, frequent urination, tiredness and nausea all went the day AF started! When I had my ectopic the symptoms stayed till after all the procedures where done!!
I had a period a few months ago that was pretty much 3/4days of brown blood, i didnt really know what was going on but had been off the pill about 5months then and put it down to that. The next af after that was pretty bad then, lots of red blood and clots(sorry tmi)and i did worry then too but its not happened since. Im sorry im not much help but didnt want to read and run.

Michelle. x
Perfectly normal :)

It doesn't mean anything. I'd consider your nutrition particularly your iron levels but wouldn't worry especially with you having some red xx

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