Hungry hungry HUUUNNNGRRYY!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Im sooooooooo hungry!!! I'm not a big eater most of the time but now I feel like i am never stopping!!!

I am probley just eating like a normal person but I know I really have to spread what I am eating or I would sit all day munching! Should you just eat if you get hungry? I know if eat as soon as I get hungry I would be eating every 2hours or so and I don't mean just little snacks I could sit and eat 6 meals in a day at the moment! But I'm actually hungry for them too?

Is everyone else eating loads and getting really hungry all the time?
I'm ocnstantly hungry, and i give in to it all, and i dont think i've put on too much weight either, i've put on about half a stone so far.
I know i should think more about what i eat but especially on weekends i have to listen ot my body or i feel unwell in work.
TBH you'll prob find if u give in to your hunger pangs you wont eat as much as u feel u want to. when i feel starving i'll make a coffee and get a few biscuits out or a packet of hula hoops, by the time i finish them im stuffed lol
I've been thinking the same thing today! I've been really conscious of my diet but still seem to be getting massive- but today I've just been hungry all the time. My dh was tutting at me earlier but i just couldn't help it, i've been hungry every hour or so!
I'm hoping this doesn't continue or else i really will end up the size of a house!
I want a HUGE boner kebab with garlic sauce!!! mmmmmm! Why did I move so far away from the takeways and restaurants?!! They were on my door step last summer! :wall:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's just giving me the biggest smile and laugh of the day!!! (The post...not the actual thing! :oops: )
:hug: Awww hope your okay with it all going on. I think I have just laughed since I saw that constantly hehe OH thinks Im mental!
:lol: Think maybe it's my wishful thinking coming through as I type! hehe! x
Heheheee its whatsacallit...your sub conscious showing through.. :D

I think a doner kebab is very much in need.....mmmmmmmmmmmm or a chicken kebab...
Haha! That was funny...!

Yeah I've been eaten bloody loads :shock: Belly is still hard as rock though, I bet it will accumilate a lot of fat soon though! x
i went through that, but it has slowed now as stomach can't hold as much. I have also really upped my water intake as i was getting bad headaches everyday, so not as muhc room for food. (says she eating her breakfast of hot cross buns).

I am eating much more than I was before I was pregnant, but have only gained about 5-6lbs so far :) I figure if I get a craving for something, or I want something then I should have it because it's my body's way of saying I need something.

That said, it's taking all my willpower not to eat junk food constantly! I don't want to go overboard but it's sooooo tempting! :wink:

C xxx
Eat as much as you can now ladies - by the time you get to third tri your stomach will be the size of a frozen pea and you'll feel sick all the time again :puke:

I WOFFED lots in 2nd Tri. It was ace :cheer:

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