When will I be able to eat?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Anyone else still feeling like this? I am starving hungry all the time but never want to eat anything :( The only thing I can stomach at the moment is ice cream and that's only because its the one thing that doesn't give me heartburn! Got to admit its starting to get me down. I used to love food but now I hate everything.

Don't know what to do when i'm so hungry all the time but can't even look at food without feeling :puke:
have u tried soup hun??? i'm the opposite i cant stop eating!! lol
i know that feeling, luckily im just starting to be able to eat again after months of sickness.
I'm the same as you, I very rarely fancy anything anymore, haven't since I was 5 weeks pg, or if I think I might like something and think too long I'm sick :(
Tha'ts exactly what 'im like! Think about it then go right off of it! I'm even trying to watch cooking shows to see if anything looks tasty but it all looks awful at the moment! Think the OH is making up for my not eating he don't stop and he seems to be craving pickled onion monster munch lol
Lol at OH and the monster munch although the smell would drive me mad. I just dont seem to have much of an appetite recently. But Soups are a must for me, cant get enough of that at the minute. Im currently in progress of making my own and freezing them x
You're brave watching cookery shows, not been able to watch any for weeks. Whatever I've thrown up I'm struggling to eat again, I hope this goes away as I love food and cooking. It's not unknown for me to cook a meal for OH and be throwing up in the sink whilst I'm cooking. Left to his own devices he'd just eat cr@p! Big hugs xx

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