Is £800 a month after rent enough for a family of 3 to live on?

Apparently if you dpeak to a benefits advisor they will say that as thwy are fussy about students. It does count as income but not enough. Is there anyone else you could ask for advice. Saying that I don't know if there could be differences between places and the like....x
Yeah that is loads , we have less than that with 4 kids, it't trying to pay for their activites and school , cubs trips, subs etc that kills me, but babys will be cheep for a while, mine are alot older.

don't forget you were working it out on a partime wage of 400-600 for you when your oh goes back to uni, not sure what you do, but that sounds high for part time? Have you got family nearby or will you be having to pay childcare as tht could cost you all that cash to be honest? Just wanted to check you had covered that off ok.

Just Breastfeed, grow your own veg if you have a garden, make your own baby food and start stashing nappy , wipes ,, baby money now ready to spend when you need it.
Thanks JJ Mum :)

I'm currently working full time for an engineering firm in Glasgow, they're looking to see if they might be able to keep me on for 3 days a week - 22 hours. I get about £7.40 an hour at the mo, so i figured it would be between £400-£600 (working it out now i think its about £550 after tax..

Both OH and I are currently working full time, we were in student accomodation before, which was payed upfront at the beginning of the year half by us and half by our parents, bills and everything are all included, and we both worked during the summer and stayed at each others houses! This will be the first time we're living together properly and will be responsible for everything! I have no idea really :/ Although I feel a lot better now knowing lots of other people manage on less than that x

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