Trying again after MC - money issues?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Firstly, I apologise for this huuuuge post, and also if I have put it in the wrong place. Please feel free to move it :)

Following my mc in May, I'm starting to get those feelings back again..."I want a baby!" Initially I wanted to wait at least a year before trying again, and I just could not understand women who started trying again straight away afterwards.

Of course we felt a huge hole and it was heartbreaking, but we didn't feel we wanted to 'replace' that hole by me getting pregnant again, we wanted to give ourselves time to heal and be happy again.
But now, 4 months on I'm really starting to feel like I want to try again. However, I lost my job as a Dental Nurse in June (not a great year for us, huh?!) and I am now only working a part-time, 3 hours an evening, low wage job because I struggled to find employment again, so I accepted a little cleaning job just to help get us by. Although we are not particularly well-off at the moment, we're not scraping the bottom of the barrel to get by, but it does seem it would be irresponsible to try again whilst I'm not in full-time employment.

But then at the back of my mind, I'm thinking... other people do it. Some people fall pregnant when they haven't got a job OR a partner, so why wouldn't we be able to manage?

I'm wondering if somebody can give me some advice. What kind of benefits do you receive as a pregnant woman, and what benefits do you receive once your child is born? My partner doesn't earn a very high wage, we rent a 2-bedroom flat and manage ok but rarely have much spare money. Would I just be damn irresponsible if we tried again? I'd love to hear from people in a similar situation. thanks girls xx
Firstly hun I've moved this in here :)

I think you have to go with your heart to some extent and also use your head as well.

The whole benefit system has recently changed and may continue to change. The tax credit bracket is between £40K-£50 a year but may change. you will be entitled to child benefit at the current rate of £20 per week.

If your wage is lower you may get help with rent (if you rent).

Try to go on this website and you can jiggle your figures about abit.

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