You're entitled to State Maternaty Pay if you've had a job longer than 13 weeks!!
I'd just given up my job when I found out I was pregnant with my son, and then had terrible morning sickness up until about 20 weeks. I then became rather bored and decided to get a job, nothing overly exciting but I worked as a call centre operator for BT (which I had done before as a student). After I'd been there a few months I was entiled to state maternaty allowance...I can't remember exactly how much it was but I think it was about £200 a month for 6 months.
I'd just given up my job when I found out I was pregnant with my son, and then had terrible morning sickness up until about 20 weeks. I then became rather bored and decided to get a job, nothing overly exciting but I worked as a call centre operator for BT (which I had done before as a student). After I'd been there a few months I was entiled to state maternaty allowance...I can't remember exactly how much it was but I think it was about £200 a month for 6 months.