Irrational worry really


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Hiya :wave:

Well as I guess you've already seen I was told by my consultant after my ovarian drilling in December that I would only have a fertile window of a few months to get pregnant before I would probably need more intervention medically :-(

I am worried about having a baby in late December. That would be the first anniversary of my sisters illness and death. I want my baby to be born into a happy environment and not one that is plauged with grief.

I know that as I'm not even pregnant yet this is being totally premature and presumptuous :roll: but it is a real concern of mine. However, I don't want to put it on the backburner in case I miss my chance :-(

Bit of a pointless thread really, just one of the many things that are on my mind *sigh*
massive :hug: hun! i'm not sure there's anything i can say really, but just wanted to send you lots of loves xxxx
I suppose if it happens we will just deal with it if and when the time comes :roll:
Thats really hard for you princess, you never know though, the ovarian drilling may give you a longer window than expected, Dr's can only say what the think, and they are not always right. If i guess you were to fall pregnant just think of all the joy and excitement there would be, i know that december would be an awful time for all your family. Theres not alot of advice i can give really apart from :hugs::hugs::hugs:xxx
:hugs:xx just wanted to send u a hug, I think that if it was to happen around that time it would bring some happiness xx
Just wanted to share something with you. I completely understand how you feel. In September 2009 I lost my Mum very suddenly and unexpectedly. When OH and I were TTC last year, I remember posting that I doubted that I would get my BFP in September 2010 as I was due to OV around the anniversary and because Mum dying had been such a shock and I wasn't anywhere over it at that point, I didn't feel like BD'ing at all. Also OH was away a lot in September. To cut a long story short, OH and I BD'd twice in September, both before I OV. I got a positive OPK on the anniversary of Mum's death and OH was away so was positive I was out that month.
11 days later I got my BFP and I'm sure Mum was giving me a helping hand.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that although the anniversary of your sisters death will be difficult for you to get through, maybe by having a LO with you will make it that little bit easier.
Knowing that my baby was conceived around that difficult time for me makes it a little easier for me to cope with it.
Hope that makes sense to you.
I wish you all the luck and baby dust in the world.

Thanks Roo, I'm sorry you have had such a sad time too :hug: I am glad that I'm not the only one who has considered this. I have mentioned it to my mum and she is of the same opinion as you, that yes it will be awfully sad, but can also be a happy time too (sort of) xxx
Maybe it would be the PERFECT way to remember your sister. Rather than always thinking about December as a sad time and missing your sister, it would turn round and be the birthday of your very much wanted baby so you will always remember her with much happier memories.
To be honest I think thats the only way you can get through it. I found that each hurdle we got over in the first year such as her birthday etc made it a little easier to cope.
Although I wish Mum could be here for my pregnancy, I have faith that she helped bring this miracle to me and is with me throughout this experience.
Good luck hun. When the time is right, it'll happen for you.
princess, sorry to hear u have this worry! i agree with some of the other girls though, it could be a positive ray of sunshine at a really hard time xx
firstly massive :hugs:hun.. I understand how you feel. I didnt want to get pregnant last month because my due date would have been my baby boys first anniversary. But i agree with the other girls it might bring some happiness and something to look forward to. Especially around christmas when you have lost a loved one, i know how christmas does feel when you havnt got that one special person you really want there. And im sure your sister would be so happy to see you happy and will be looking over you the whole way through your pregnancy.
Maybe it would be the PERFECT way to remember your sister. Rather than always thinking about December as a sad time and missing your sister, it would turn round and be the birthday of your very much wanted baby so you will always remember her with much happier memories.

I totally agree, it would be such a beautiful way to turn a sad time into a happier time for all the family x
I agree with the others hun, if it were to happen a baby born in December could make a really sad time into a happier one for the whole family. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Awww firstly just wanna say I'm sorry about your loss :-(

I agree with the girls tho! I think if you was to hav a baby at that time it would turn grief into happiness ... I'm sure your sister would be made up for you and feel proud for you! Xx
I can completely understand your fears but i tend to think that a birth around the time of your loss might just be the best thing that could happen.

I'm sure you'll always have good days and bad days when you think about the loss of your sister, regardless of what the date may be.

A happy occasion about the same time of year might just help to get your family through and ward off the misery :)

You need to try and focus on moving forward and not dwell :hug:

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