iron levels?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Whats a normal iron level? My full blood count is 12.6. when i had my daughter my iron level dropped but was never classed as anemic yet i was light headed had white spots in my vision etc. Over the last week iv felt like i dont want to move as it takes too much energy and when im making dinner i have to keep sitting down as my head goes light. Im wondering if its possible to get anemic this early? i dont really want to go dr`s as the thought of the next blood test at 26weeks is scaring me already dont want to have any more :(

what foods can i eat high in iron? i no red meat n watercress n spinich are good. x
If I were you I would go and get it checked out, even if you don't want any blood taken something is obviously making you light-headed so it's better sorted sooner rather than later!
it sounds odd, but liquorice is high in iron! Lol, it will bring your sugar levels up to.. giving you a bit of energy.
It is normal tho to get anemic this early, id get some iron tablets from the dr if i was you tho.. You dont want to wait til after the birth because u will feel 10 times worse.
Special K cereal is also full of iron if u like that. Wholemean bread, almonds, ready brek.. Lol all full of iron.

Sorry - Iv just completed my semester in 'impact of diet on health'' and couldnt help but try out my knowledge ;)
:) thanks, iv stocked up on steak and spinich this week at shopping think ill get my OH to buy me some liquorice :D

when i had my daughter i think my iron dropped to 9 but when i was leaving hospital everyone was having there iron checked and they had iron levels of 12 even before labour yet they wouldnt give me a blood test even tho i asked for 1. iv got consultant thursday about my headaches so they might want my blood checked again so ill ask him x

Oh and iv got readybrek BUT all i can eat atm is honey cheerios :( its boring but when i try and eat anything else for breakfast i physically cant lol x
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12.6 is excellent. Anything above 10 is normal/good. Leafy greens, nuts and seeds and orange juice with your iron supplements help to absorb iron better :)

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