

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Have any of you ladies had an internal at any of your midwife appointments?
I was talking to my mom today and she was quite surprised that I haven't had one at all through pregnancy and she said when she was pregnant with me and my sister she had an internal at every appointment for the last few weeks.

Now I know times have changed since then but it got me a bit worried because all my appointments she seems to rush me out, she doesn't discuss anything with me, like she hasn't even mentioned a birth plan. She just checks my sample, blood pressure, measures my bump, checks the heartbeat and sends me on my way.

So I just wondered if anyone else's midwife was like this and if you've had an internal?
Hi Rachael, I've not had one from my mw at any of my appts so I wouldn't be too worried as no one else I know has had one either apart from the obvious one when they had a sweep :eek:) All she checks is same as you and hasn't discussed a birth plan just said I should probably think about writing one! xx
This is my 4th and I've never had one with any think it must be a thing of the past xxx
Ahh ok that's reassuring then. I didn't want to just get to labour and them note something is wrong when they should have been checking. But if it's not common practice then fair enough.

Thanks ladies :) x
Nope this is my 3rd and not had an internal with any of my midwife appointments xx
Have any of you ladies had an internal at any of your midwife appointments?
I was talking to my mom today and she was quite surprised that I haven't had one at all through pregnancy and she said when she was pregnant with me and my sister she had an internal at every appointment for the last few weeks.

Now I know times have changed since then but it got me a bit worried because all my appointments she seems to rush me out, she doesn't discuss anything with me, like she hasn't even mentioned a birth plan. She just checks my sample, blood pressure, measures my bump, checks the heartbeat and sends me on my way.

So I just wondered if anyone else's midwife was like this and if you've had an internal?

My midwife is the same, just rushes me out and does all the same as yours x
same here, I haven't had any internals untill 41 weeks (when I thought my waters broke, so they had to check me)
with my daughter 4 yrs ago i only started to have internals after they discovered i had started to dialate

with my son never had one
Not had any internals and neither did my sister with both of mum was surprised too. I think the days of them rooting around blindly up there are gone xxxxxxxx
Not had any internals and neither did my sister with both of mum was surprised too. I think the days of them rooting around blindly up there are gone xxxxxxxx

haha that did make me chuckle
I haven't had one and I actually asked for one last friday! You may think im mad but have been having fairly regular, low pains and my husband was going away on Saturday for a week so I wanted to be sure that things werent moving before they should - the MW refused to do one and said that they aren't allowed to do them out of hospital unless it is a sweep because of the risk of introducing infection. She also said that by doing an internal she could kick things off so she would definitely rather not! I guess its a think of the past...
Like the other ladies ive never had one, except for my sweep at 41wks with dd2 xxx
Ive had 2 so far, as well as internal scans, but that was carried out by doctors checking my cervical length and when I was having pains making sure I hadnt started to dialite. I had one yesterday, and my cervix is closed and long but is soft. Then lastnight was woken up by really bad period :( I find internals really sore :( xxx

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