Instead of going off things, anyone gone on something?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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... :rotfl: well that makes a lot of sense doesn't it?! :shock: :rotfl:

Anyway.... I've not eaten kebab for around 6 years and now I'm gagging for one, in pitta bread with salad and heaps and heaps of spicy chilli!!!

yummy yummy yummy!!!

before i HATED :twisted: heinz tomato soup, and a couple of days ago i had it twice in two days, but my OH likes it so that might explain it!!! :roll:

just thinking about it i could just eat a kebab!!!

also what i love and always have done but expecially now 8) steak and kidney pie, mash, carrots and turnip, i HAVE TO HAVE GRAVY on everything hot!!!! any one lese LOVE gravy?
only gravy I really like is onion gravy though I love tomato soup at the mo !
I always hated fizzy sugary drinks, but all way thrugh pregnancy have HAD to have orange fanta EVERY day without fail.

I will have no teeth left by time bubba arrives :rotfl:
zoe c said:
I always hated fizzy sugary drinks, but all way thrugh pregnancy have HAD to have orange fanta EVERY day without fail.

I will have no teeth left by time bubba arrives :rotfl:

I love anything fruity!!!

Ordered my kebab now, one is on it's way to me via OH! :cheer:

He's a star! :cheer:
Potato croquettes and baked beans!!!


Pie and mash and gravy - definitely with you there Sartet.

Strangely carrot and swede mash ??????!!!!!!

I seem to want to add salt to everything as well - is anyone else craving salt?

littlebump said:
Strangely carrot and swede mash ??????!!!!!!

I seem to want to add salt to everything as well - is anyone else craving salt?


me me me me!!!!

Everything has to be salted and carrot and Swede mash...mmmmm...nothing changed there though, always liked it! :D
Trifle's :shock: I'm eating around 2 a day and they have to be naughty one's (waitrose one's preferably) if not trifle's its cream dougnuts - or just anything with cream :shock: lol
Not in this pregnancy but i would never touch sprouts, but in my first pregnancy i couldnt get emough of sprouts and iron levels were excellent!!!!! And i still love em!!
I have a serious thing for baked beans at the moment and usually I dont like them that much!
I'm being a good girl and craving far more fruit than is humanely possible (despite having a boy).

Unfortunately my goody goody two-shoes body is rejecting foods that are bad for me and the last few times I have had an Indian takeaway I have been Exorcist-style violently sick. So apart from caffeine (limited to 2 cups per day) I am eating pretty healthily.
oooh Dinksi I'm loving fruit too!!!

Last pg I went on trifle and tea, used to hate them before and 8 years later, I still love them :D
kirlykird said:
oooh Dinksi I'm loving fruit too!!!

Last pg I went on trifle and tea, used to hate them before and 8 years later, I still love them :D

Hmmmmm tea aswell!!! I can't drink enough of the stuff!! :shock: was that you're pregnancy with your twins?
I posted about it in 3rd tri- but... for those of you missing seasonal alcohol- whittards mulled wine tea is lovely :cheer:
Think so many girls in 3rd tri are going to have had their l/o's and being able to have the real thing by christmas :lol:
Kat@girlracer said:
kirlykird said:
oooh Dinksi I'm loving fruit too!!!

Last pg I went on trifle and tea, used to hate them before and 8 years later, I still love them :D

Hmmmmm tea aswell!!! I can't drink enough of the stuff!! :shock: was that you're pregnancy with your twins?

Yup, maybe that was the girl influence! :D
Probabaly no good for me what-so-ever!!! Had a cream doughnut & a trifle today pmsl :oops:
I have been drinking loads of tea, HAVE to have a 9pm cuppa every day or I get twitchy!!!

Could this be a girl craving me thinks?? :think: Someone said my fanta orange fizzy drink craving is a girl thing too..........
I'm being a good girl and craving far more fruit than is humanely possible (despite having a boy).

mine is fruit and a boy too ...grapes at the mo mmmmmm...

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