Information for bottle feeding mums


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I know there have been countless threads about making up formula milk. I've certainly questioned different ways of making up feeds, and now I make them up fresh whenever possible because I know roughly when LO needs a feed.

I thought I would copy & paste this information from the Food Standards Agency website.
I know there has been questions regarding making up and storing babies feeds in the fridge, as well as adding powder to already cooled down water. After reading this, the website makes it very clear that you should NOT add powder to completely cooled water, but further down the page, says that you can keep already-made up formula in the fridge if you have no other alternative.

I just thought this would clear-up the issue for you all. Have a read :)
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Thanks for posting that, I had it a while ago & lost it.

I can follow every step of the guidelines - i've even been buying the cartons of formula for out & about - but what I cant get around is the having to wait for the water to cool to 70 before putting in the bottle. MY LO's feeds are regular during the day so this could be possible, but at night-time he still sometimes wakes between 3-7 & he's so hungry he just screams, so what do I do?? Literally leave him to cry while the water cools for 20-30mins??

Or, I was thinking of the vacuum flask...maybe thats an option?? Whats everyone else doing?

We were told by the midwife before we left hospital that the safest way to make a baby bottle as quickly as possible is to get a flask, boil the water fresh and once its cooled to 70 to pour into the flask and use as required. We usually do it in the morning to last the day and a fresh one at night. It's worked perfectly for us for the last four months.

Thanks for the info :)
Oh thats interesting!!

Does the flask keep warm for the whole of day-time, how many hours do u normally get out of them?

Yes it holds its temperature for the day. We usually boil fresh after 3 feeds anyway because the water is usually running low by then and also because we find after her 3rd bottle out of it its usually just starting to cool as Savannah tends to go between four and five hours inbetween feeds. Everyone has their own way of doing things but its made our life much easier.
i know it sounds a bit dumb but I really didn't think flasks held the temperature for hours, I knew obviously that they kept things warm, but didn't know for that long.

It actually does sound like the answer for me - im gonna buy one just now...but where? I'll try ebay first!

Do you still have to cool the bottles down when using the flask?
We got ours from Tesco. Well that's a lie... We got it from my nan but she got it from Tesco lol! We only cool for a short minute. If it doesn't need cooling it probably needs reboiling before the next feed :)
I know i'm being a pain with questions but do you pour the boiled water into the flask as soon as its boiled or do you wait a while first?

I bought a flask last week and it has been a god send!! i take the flask up to bed with 2 sterilised bottles and 2 pots of 5oz (the little pots you get with the tommee tippee sets) and when Ella wakes for a feed i can add the formula to the ready boiled water and wait a few mins for it to cool (also take a jug of cold water to bed) and that sees us through to the morning without having to get out of bed once!!

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