Info on C sections


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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well my midwife is showing abit of concern about my baby being breech, and said if baby has turned at my 35 week scan (cause baby is head down at mo and has been for the start) I may have to have a C section.

I don't know what happens in C sections I everyone I know has had natural births!

Could someone give me abit of info?

I have been told you have to have an epidural? Thats worries me because you have to say still and I always jump slightly when I am injected or have blood tests and with it being in the spine I pretty sure me jumping isnt a great idea!!!

Anyway Thanks in advance for any advice! x
I had a section 8 years ago...quite a while ago... I had a spinal block which is very alike an epidural and administered in the same way...I wouldn't worry too much about it, they will be used to women who are not oo good with needles :hug:
I had one after a failed induction...

I opted for a spinal block,(epidural) as I wanted to be awake when baby was born...They took me to theatre and explained the whole thing. You have to sit dead still with your back arched so they can get the needle in, it was uncomfy but didnt hurt or make you jump. After that your bum then legs go sort of warm and then dead-its like being drunk from waits down!!! They lie you down as you cant feel anything or move legs which I didnt like and started to panic a bit but they are so nice and reassuring-tel them if you are frightened-I did and they were great....I started to shake quite violently at this pont but this is a side effect of spinal they said an it soon wore off.

I could feel people touching my tummy and asked the midwife when they would start, she said "They have started and baby is almost here!!" :shock: I didnt even know!! The next second was a sensation like they were washing up in my belly, then I felt a tugging and I actually felt her being lifted from me-it was the most strange but AMAZING sensation-I loved it. I was saying to OH "I can feel the baby coming out!!!" It didnt hurt at all.

My C section was a really great experience, I loved it but didnt like the hours after-I couldnt sit up to cuddle her properly and was drowsy on morphine so just slept but the next morning I was up and walking.

Good luck hunny, if you need any more info/advice feel free toPM me xxxx
Thanks that made me feel better! I may not have to go down this route but I would at least like to know what to expect so it lessens the worry!

Thanks girls!
Honestly, dont worry-its a great experience.

I am a big scaredy cat and I was quite relaxed about the whole thing!!!xxx

Everyone else pretty much said what its about :)
My experience with it wasnt nice but its good to hear others have good things to say about them.
Hope baby isnt breech by your 35 week scanxx
Hiya hun

I have had 2, 1st was an emergency so not really a pleasent expreinces, but when Alastair was born it was a milions times different it was an amazing expreince very relaxed and the spinal block didnt hurt at all, i had to lie forward holding onto a pillow and as soon as it was done it felt like i was peeing myself :rotfl:

dont worry at all hun if u have to have a breech it will be wonderful. PM me if u have any more questions

:hug: :hug:
Vicky_Gazerimmer said:
if baby has turned at my 35 week scan (cause baby is head down at mo and has been for the start) I may have to have a C section.

Why would the MW think that the baby will turn if its already the right way round?

If you do have a c-section you can feel like there is alot of tension in the room for the first 15 minutes or so. This is obviously because no-one relaxes until baby is out safe ans sound.

Then the atmosphere should lighten considerably but its going to seem like an ages for you as it takes far longer to sew you all up than to get baby out in the first place.

And yes you will be able to feel pressure, ie pushing/pulling etc. but there should be no pain and they will test you first before starting!

You do have to sit still for a spinal anaesthetic, and it can take longer if you are carrying excess weight like myself. But they really aren't anywhere near as risky as they sound and they use lots of local anaesthetic around the area before usuing the bigger needle.

Hope that helps.
Babe - my LO only turnt the right way on tuesday at 35 weeks - so there's still time for your LO yet! I must warn you - you look & feel completely different when they've turnt - & while they're turning you're in agony!! (just to pre-warn you!)
Ooo well I had an emergency c-section and it was brilliant! Like Zoe said your legs go all warm - its a bit like getting in a big bath. I found it really relaxing, it had been stressful leading up to it, but once the epidural was in, I was totally relaxed - probably something to do with the sedative in it lol. I think there was sedative in it, I'm not sure. I know what you mean about the jumping - I felt like I jumped loads when they put the epidural in, but it was absolutely fine and I've had no problems since (3 weeks ago). OH was holding me when they did it, plus they deadened the area first so it wasn't painful. Also like Zoe, I didn't realise when they'd actually started, and it was good to know they had started and I couldn't feel a thing. I had a brilliant anesthetist who talked me through the whole procedure - even up to the bit when he said "you'll feel a bit like a washing machine" and that was when they were pulling Deborah out! They allow your OH in with you, and mine got really into the whole thing, even when he was crying with joy lol. So it's nice, because I never felt scared that I was on my own. I really wouldn't worry about it, I'm totally not keen on needles, and I've never had an op before, and thought I'd be terrified but it really was ok. I took loads of arnica afterwards, plus I was told that all my pelvic floor exercises were helpful in pre-conditioning the abdominal area as well (no I dont understand either lol), and I've healed really well. I was off the painkillers within a week, and up and about within 3 days. Apart from one of the anti-biotics I was on because of the uterus infection(which you wont be) I've had no problems with it and I'm sure you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Ooooo and it's true, you don't remember any of it once you're holding bubba!
Hellokitty said:
Vicky_Gazerimmer said:
if baby has turned at my 35 week scan (cause baby is head down at mo and has been for the start) I may have to have a C section.

Why would the MW think that the baby will turn if its already the right way round?

Her concern is due to baby neing head down thoughout my pregnancy and LO is still head down now, so if baby does turn its going to turn so it is feet first. :shock: :wink:
Vicky_Gazerimmer said:
Hellokitty said:
[quote="Vicky_Gazerimmer":3564emyn]if baby has turned at my 35 week scan (cause baby is head down at mo and has been for the start) I may have to have a C section.

Why would the MW think that the baby will turn if its already the right way round?

Her concern is due to baby neing head down thoughout my pregnancy and LO is still head down now, so if baby does turn its going to turn so it is feet first. :shock: :wink:[/quote:3564emyn]

So the midwive's theory here is that baby will turn towards the end of PG, regardless of which way round it started out?

Well lets hope for our sakes thats an old wives tale 'cos my LO has been head down all along too! :shock:

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