Info for anyone who wants to get tested at the docs

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi, just thought I should share this relevant info that I only learnt today. I went to my doctors as she told me to come back in 6 months to discuss fertility tests. Well it's been 6 months so i went and had an appointment this afternoon.

There are a whole bunch of things they do tests for. They are all blood tests BUT THE REALLY IMPORTANT THING IS: they have to do it in two stages on different dates in your cycle.

One set of tests must be from blood drawn during the first 5 days of your cycle. The second set of tests has to be AFTER you have ovulated, so they specify Day 21. That date is if you have a standard 28 day cycle - which i dont - so mine would have been on day 18, which is on Saturday, so she said come back tomorrow and hopefully you will have already ovulated, I assured her that i HAVE already ovulated and so i managed to get the first set of tests done today. I have an appointment to go back in 10 days for the second test.

The only reason i want to let you all know is because you need to get your diaries out and book the two dates as soon as your doctor says she will meet with you to discuss testing, otherwise you could be waiting an entire nother cycle. She wanted to palm me off to next month, but I said if a nurse was free today then i would prefer to get on with it and so she grudingly checked and there was a nurse who could do it, so that's 50% checked off! Which means i'll have the whole lot done by the end of the month now instead of by the end of next month.

Sorry, it's a bit of a long boring email, but I would have wanted someone to tell me so i could be a jump ahead. :clock:

Starfish xxxx
Thanks for that star fish! Ive got an appointment on Monday so at least i know what to expect!! Bloody complicated isnt it?!

Youre a star (fish)!! :hugs:

Sounds like we are v insync (sp?) with each other - if the buddy system takes off I would want you! xx
Awwwww, what a lovely thing to say!! I would want you too!! I think we should buddy up anyway!! :friends:

Done! So what do buddies do to help each other?
Done! So what do buddies do to help each other?

Wanna go out for a drink!! :merry:


Seriously though Mrs Fish, seeing as though we seem to have the same cycle, having tests done and are around the same age then basically we just support each other through everything, have a good moan or a rant to each other and share our stories, innit!!! :hugs:

I'd like that. I like that drink too though. Mine's an absolute martini with extra olives. What a shame you live so bloody far away! Mind you, I've never been to Tenerife.......... ha ha........ stalker alert! I think sharing stories and chatting is great idea, but I assume there is a better way than subjecting the whole forum to my inane drivel? I think there are private message thingies, otherwise i can just send you my email, some form of 'chat' is good for crap times, like messanger or similar, unless they have option on here? Maybe a chat room? that might be fun. I'll look into it. But first I gotta get to the post office before it closes. xxxx
Thankyou MrsH!! I just hope its the answers we are looking for!! Havent been so nervous in my life!!
I'd like that. I like that drink too though. Mine's an absolute martini with extra olives. What a shame you live so bloody far away! Mind you, I've never been to Tenerife.......... ha ha........ stalker alert! I think sharing stories and chatting is great idea, but I assume there is a better way than subjecting the whole forum to my inane drivel? I think there are private message thingies, otherwise i can just send you my email, some form of 'chat' is good for crap times, like messanger or similar, unless they have option on here? Maybe a chat room? that might be fun. I'll look into it. But first I gotta get to the post office before it closes. xxxx

Well if you ever fancy a holiday to Tenerife let me know, we have plenty of room, we can moan about ttc while our OH's can moan about us moaning about ttc!!! :dance:

Ive pm'd you hunni!!

if the nurse is busy at ur docs you can get a form from your doc and go to your local hospital for your blood test...thats wot i did as they only have a nurse at my docs 2 days a week for blood tests! GPs always want to make things as long winded as possible unless u go on and on and on!! thats wot i did and now i have a great GP and have been reffered!!
Tinkerbell, whereabouts in Tenerife are ya? I'm there next month, am there quite often as family buSsiness is out there along with a lot of family, in playa de las Americas
Tinkerbell, whereabouts in Tenerife are ya? I'm there next month, am there quite often as family buSsiness is out there along with a lot of family, in playa de las Americas


We are in Las Rosas, its about 15mins North of Las Americas. Were abouts in Las Americas do you stay and whats the family business?! xx

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My family own a resort. Club Olympus at Garden city, so obviously timeshare lol

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