21 Day Bloods Info!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hi Ladies

If AF arrives this week then I will be making an appt to have my 21 day blood tests done.

I know the basics of what they are meant to pick up i.e whether of not you have ovulated etc...

but I was just wondering because I have long cycles then surely day 21 would be to early for a test to pick this up in me??

I cant tell the nurse the exact date of my next cycle as they differ everymonth, but I am pretty sure cd21 is not going to show them very much at all, or have I got it all completely backwards ?

Any advice would be great!!
I had one of these tests done as I have irregular periods, I was told I didn't ovulate. Really gutted me hearing that. But my periods were like 33 days apart so thats why they told me to do it at day 21 rather than day 14/18 x
Ohh right, do you mind me asking what the next step was for you after being told you didnt ovulate ?

Just trying to prepare myself for what may come x
I had a Ultrasound on my ovaries, I got told I have PCOS. They did an external scan and an internal one. Horrible probe dildo type thingy lol was weird.

Then after that I was due to go for an Xray to have a dye flushed into my uterous to see if my tubes were blocked, this I never had as I got pregnant and you have to have a period just before you go so they know that theres nothing in there and its been flushed out abit .....

Thats where my story ends, because the month I was waiting for my period to go for my xray, my partner was doing his sperm sample so we didn't expect to get a pregnancy that cycle but I think the week break I had before I was due to ovulate helped me out as I was relaxed and not all gluey up with his man glue lol x I just had a good time and celebrated my 21st and made my birthday wish. ( to get pregnant :D ) and it strangely happened I was kicking myself for ages afterwards hehe x
What a lovely story, must have been the best 21st Birthday gift ever!!

I think I do ovulate as I have had a postive opk before, but my problem is that my cycles seem to be getting longer each time rather then shorter... weird!!
I never used the OPKs they confuse me now when I see picture posting pictures of them... :S

All I could think of is your getting a little stressed or having early m/c without realising...

I hope your get your BFP soon, or the test help you in your way x Also I found out that Blood type O has poorer quailty of eggs, I'm Blood type O. So it explained to me why I hadn't got pregnant before and that also with the PCOS x
I am trying not to stress to much I am quite a chilled person but I have had my blue days... hopefully the tests will pick up what is causing there to be such long delays in my cycles.

Thank you for the info

x x x x
I asked my doctor the same thing because she was talking about a 28 day cycle and i mentioned that i had a 29 day cycle and to be honest she didn't seem to understand the implications and told me to just come in on cd 21 :roll:

If i had irregular periods like you, i think that i would phone up the doctor - they will speak to you over the telephone - and just explain to her about your situation and why you are confused.

Sometimes they need it spelling out to them unfortunately.

You can arrange to phone up when you have your surge and book for a week later.

I mean, if the test is supposed to be done 7 days after they assumed you ovualted and you aren't ovulating until cd 22 (for example) then ofcourse that would effect what the results indicated.

I don't mean to be a poop, but having a positive OPK doesn't mean you ovulated, it means that you would have ovualted *if* there was nothing wrong with your ovaries. Irregular cycles are typical with PCOS unfortunately, but that doesn't always effect your fertility :)
The whole reason I went to see the nurse was because of my irregular periods it was her suggestion based on that that I have the tests done.... god knows Louise sometimes I wonder if we know more then them!!

Strange you said that about postive opk's and not ovulating as I was just thinking today if that was a possibility!!

I guess I will just go along have the tests done and see what they say... my head is saying that I may have pcos so I am preparing myself for that but at least I know they can offer you treament to help.

Are you booked in to have your 21 day bloods done as well Louise ?
Yes, i'm all booked in :)

I have it on the 19th Nov which feels like forever away! When is yours/should yours be?

She said it was unlikely that i have PCOS because my cycles are regular so if i'm not ovulating it is either that a gland in my brain is buggered, i have tumours or... i think thats about it.

The thing about doctors that we have to remember that they are basically professional symptom spotters and chances of them knowing anything about any particular condition beyond the symptoms that indicate it and the prescription for it - they probably don't know very much.
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Well PCOS can be mild to severe so its best to let the doctors can you, the syptoms can be different for everyone. I was in shock when they told me it runs in families too. As my sister had been told she had cysts on her ovaries but then said it was a load of rubbish to me. I was a tad confused :S But my little sister has horrible periods and does tend to struggle with her weight too so I'm guessing she has it too.

Was Great once I found out, made alittle more sense over why my periods were all over the place and so long sometimes x
Well AF is due this week so if it turns up on time I am looking at having my bloods done around the 30th what a great xmas gift that will be.... not!!

I think I will be more suprised if they say I dont have pcos then if they said I do.... My aunt has it and she was told that she couldnt have children... she now has 4 kids!!

I have put on a little bit of weight since coming off the pill but it all seems to be around my tummy, I have spot outbreaks, my skin has gone oily, I get sharp pains in my lower belly and I have long cycles!!

Why cant things ever be simple!!

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