Am I within my rights to refuse induction?
I have been induced with both my children, 2nd being very traumatic and taking nearly a week, causing a lot of emotional upset.
1st induction was due to being 11days late and showing no signs of labour. 2nd was due to having GD, SPD and was at 38+ weeks but she wasnt born till 4days before her due date so I personally felt induction was pointless. I was given the horrid gel which done very little as it wasnt safe for my waters to be broken due to risk of cord prolapse, it was finally safe to break waters 5days after 1st day of induction. I was very emotional in these 5days to the point I asked for a c sec as I didnt know how much more mentally I could take plus I was suffering badly with SPD along with arthritis in my lower spine and a bulging disc constantly pushing on my sciatic nerve(which I still have), so having numerous interals I honestly felt as though I had been gang raped.
I have SPD again in this pregnancy im only 19weeks, its painful but I know its nothing to what it will be.
I spoke to consultant when I was around 11 weeks and I stated I was thinking of going down elective section route due to my back problems but of course he tried to talk me out of that (thats a totally different story...bare with me).
I also stated to him then that I was dreading the thought of another induction to which he said he wouldnt induce me if all ok with pregnancy like no return of GD.
So guess what im trying to ask is if it comes to it and i get GD again or something else that requires induction, am I within my rights to refuse? obviously if they want baby out due to babys health im not going to not do it, but I will only let them get baby out if they do c sec, not induction if that makes any sense? Would they honour this?
If they look back my notes they will see the state I was in mentally and emotionally during induction. Yes every pregnancy different, every labour is different, I know this, my sons induction was a breeze thats why I didnt hesitate when they suggested 2nd induction but they cannot promise me the problems that happened 2nd time wont happen again. They say more babies u have the quicker you labour, consultant tried fob me off with that one that its my 3rd and wont take long...he cant guarantee this so dont say it. My body in previous pregnancies just hasnt seemed to be able to go into labour itself.
I hope im making sense. I know im totally rambling. Basically if they decide induction can I refuse it and ask for section instead.
Thanks ladies. Just want to know where I stand for next appt xx
I have been induced with both my children, 2nd being very traumatic and taking nearly a week, causing a lot of emotional upset.
1st induction was due to being 11days late and showing no signs of labour. 2nd was due to having GD, SPD and was at 38+ weeks but she wasnt born till 4days before her due date so I personally felt induction was pointless. I was given the horrid gel which done very little as it wasnt safe for my waters to be broken due to risk of cord prolapse, it was finally safe to break waters 5days after 1st day of induction. I was very emotional in these 5days to the point I asked for a c sec as I didnt know how much more mentally I could take plus I was suffering badly with SPD along with arthritis in my lower spine and a bulging disc constantly pushing on my sciatic nerve(which I still have), so having numerous interals I honestly felt as though I had been gang raped.
I have SPD again in this pregnancy im only 19weeks, its painful but I know its nothing to what it will be.
I spoke to consultant when I was around 11 weeks and I stated I was thinking of going down elective section route due to my back problems but of course he tried to talk me out of that (thats a totally different story...bare with me).
I also stated to him then that I was dreading the thought of another induction to which he said he wouldnt induce me if all ok with pregnancy like no return of GD.
So guess what im trying to ask is if it comes to it and i get GD again or something else that requires induction, am I within my rights to refuse? obviously if they want baby out due to babys health im not going to not do it, but I will only let them get baby out if they do c sec, not induction if that makes any sense? Would they honour this?
If they look back my notes they will see the state I was in mentally and emotionally during induction. Yes every pregnancy different, every labour is different, I know this, my sons induction was a breeze thats why I didnt hesitate when they suggested 2nd induction but they cannot promise me the problems that happened 2nd time wont happen again. They say more babies u have the quicker you labour, consultant tried fob me off with that one that its my 3rd and wont take long...he cant guarantee this so dont say it. My body in previous pregnancies just hasnt seemed to be able to go into labour itself.
I hope im making sense. I know im totally rambling. Basically if they decide induction can I refuse it and ask for section instead.
Thanks ladies. Just want to know where I stand for next appt xx