Induction stories please???

I was 10 days overdue. Went into hospital in the morning. Had x3 pressary tablets to soften my cervix. I started to dilate so I was taken to the labour ward where my waters were broken, and the drip inserted to start contractions. I had an epidural, and gas and air. Baby was born after 7 hours. I had a slight tear and only needed a few stitches. Went up to recovery ward. Had a sleep and then left by tea time. Was all very straightforward. That was my 1st baby.
I was induced on my due date due to bleeding. Pessary inserted at 7 20 am, cramps ramped up pretty much straight away but were still mild. Had a nap after lunch. Active labour was 1 hour and 16 minutes and she was born at 6 16pm via ventouse as her heart rate was dipping. We went home just after lunch time the next day xx
I was 10 days overdue. Went into hospital in the morning. Had x3 pressary tablets to soften my cervix. I started to dilate so I was taken to the labour ward where my waters were broken, and the drip inserted to start contractions. I had an epidural, and gas and air. Baby was born after 7 hours. I had a slight tear and only needed a few stitches. Went up to recovery ward. Had a sleep and then left by tea time. Was all very straightforward. That was my 1st baby.

Did you ask for the epidural because you were in to much pain? xxx
No I just had the one pessary. Think my body was all geared up already so once things started it happened really quickly. Pain was very intense, and some pain relief would have been fab if there had been time, but can't complain about how quickly it all happened as feel so sorry for those who are waiting for days. Hope all goes smoothly for you colleen. You will have your little baby at the end of it and that's the most important thing x
I went in at 8 in the morning n they said I was already 3cm n having contractions just didn't feel them. Up to ward n monitored all day in hope something might happen in its own. It didn't so at 7.30 when there was room up in Labour I was taken up n waters broken about 9.30 b drip up about 10. I felt no contractions n was just uncomfortable n kept going fir a poo. Wanted to walk around but hooked up to machines I cudnt so much. Tried gas n air but didn't like it altho wasn't really in any pain. She checked me about 2am n said I was 6cm n was going to go off on a break n left the room n literally within seconds I felt the worse pain ever so buzzed her back k she came in n I said I wanted to push n sum drug's lol but it was to late fir drugs I was 10cm n had to push no pain relief. He arrived just before 3 n all was ok. So I never felt any contractions ever n my while established Labour was about 3hrs but I only had pain for about the 40 mins of pushing!!

Everyone is so different tho it's so hard to tell how it will go.

Waters went Friday night, but couldn't get the party started on my own for some reason, so went in sunday for "augmentation" which is the same thing as induction really! I was at 4cm on sunday morning. They put the drip up by lunchtime, and I managed for a while with hypnobirthing breathing etc, but after about the mid level dose, just couldn't cope and the midwife suggested epidural. This was fab and made me really comfy despite the drip and hubby and I watched movies on my tablet all afternoon and evening! By 1am ready to push and baby arrived after 3am by ventouse. Hubby slept through most of the pushing as he was "knackered" lol! Had a little tear but nothing awful.

The midwives were absolutely brilliant and kept me well informed, and I really felt looked after the whole time.
Im booked in on monday to be induced so will be reading these stories haha x
Induced at midday. By about 3am the pessery fell out and was examined. Think I was 2cm and they broke my waters at 430am. At 9am I was only 2-3cm they gave me an epidural followed by the drip and some fluids. The rest of the day was spent monitoring my sons heartrate as it kept dipping. Because of the dipping heartrate by 7pm they started to monitor his oxygen levels by taking samples of his blood from his head. Oxygen was at first okay, but then it had dipped and I was prepped for an emergency c-section. They made a last minute decision to swerve the c-section as by that time I was fully dialated. My son was delivered via forceps at 01:01am. He was a healthy boy but because of the dip in oxygen levels he was given antibiotics via a cannula and I was too. All was well and the mayhem began when we got home with sleepless nights and all the other fun that comes with newborns!
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I was induced at 10 days over due to low fluid.
Had a pessary at 4 and that gave me mild contractions but not labour. At midnight contractions became more painful and I asked for pain relief, didn't get any as they noticed baby's heartbeat was dropping with each contraction. Prepped me for an emergency c-section and took out the pessary. Whilst waiting for the section they realised I was labouring on my own and that baby had calmed down. I carried on naturally. I kept asking for an epidural but they said I wasn't in established labour, at 5am I told them I was pushing involuntarily, they then checked me and I was 9cms. A few pushes and my son was born at 5.31am. Had no pain relief and only a graze. X
Do you have to have the drip if they break your waters or is that only if you don't start contracting? xxx
I was 10 days overdue. Went into hospital in the morning. Had x3 pressary tablets to soften my cervix. I started to dilate so I was taken to the labour ward where my waters were broken, and the drip inserted to start contractions. I had an epidural, and gas and air. Baby was born after 7 hours. I had a slight tear and only needed a few stitches. Went up to recovery ward. Had a sleep and then left by tea time. Was all very straightforward. That was my 1st baby.

Did you ask for the epidural because you were in to much pain? xxx

we were discussing pain relief because with the type of induction I was having eg the waters being broken and the drip. It's very much painful from the start. My drip made me have 3 contractions in 10 minutes. there was no build up as such. It was just bang your in full blown labour. In my opinion they advised epidural in that type of induction.

My sister was induced and didn't need the drip or epidural though.

I think it very much depends on there plan for you and how your body is reacting and progressing.
Do you have to have the drip if they break your waters or is that only if you don't start contracting? xxx

If your cervix softens with the pessaries, this can cause you to dilate and contractions to start or waters to break. If this happens and you progress they won't interfere.
If contractions slow down even in non induced labours they might try the drip.
Do you have to have the drip if they break your waters or is that only if you don't start contracting? xxx

If your cervix softens with the pessaries, this can cause you to dilate and contractions to start or waters to break. If this happens and you progress they won't interfere.
If contractions slow down even in non induced labours they might try the drip.

^^this... I wasn't induced but I had the drip as my contractions were erratic. Three in every ten minutes but not at regular intervals (so I would have two in four minutes then another one five minutes later) so the drip can be given during both induction or not x
I went in at 11 days overdue. Pessary in, nothing. 2nd pessary in, mild contractions for 5 hours then nothing. Next day I had 2 rounds of gel, still nothing. They couldn't feel my cervix to break my waters so I had a section on day 14. I found the section so much less stressful than the inductions itself.
I was induced at 37+5, cervix wasn't particularly favourable so I wasn't expecting it to be easy. I had the first gel at about 1pm and this has no effect, the second was at 9pm and I started feeling a bit of backache after that. When I was monitored at around 3am I was having light contractions but couldn't feel them, they could just get a fingertip in my cervix and gave me a sweep. By 9am the next morning I was having full on contractions coming back to back and I was 2cm dilated, they tried to break my waters and found they'd already gone which I had no idea about! I was in a lot of pain as the contractions started so quick and so intensely, there was no build up at all. As I was contracting I didn't need the drip and got to 10cm by about 5pm. They then waited a couple of hours for baby to move down and I then pushed for 3 hours. At this point my contractions be and irregular so I was put on the drip. Unfortunately baby was facing the wrong way and was stuck so I was taken to theatre where he was turned using ventouse and then delivered using episiotomy and forceps. My baby was born at 1.10 the following morning so about 36 hours in all. I had an epidural and gas and air (although I didn't particularly like gas and air as it didn't do much for me). Good luck with your induction, look forward to your birth story xx
I was put on the drip as my waters broke and nothing happened for 2 days. They said it was pretty much standard that if you have the drip you have an epi as the contractions get more intense over a shorter period compared to natural labour and your body struggles to adjust. I started the drip at about 10pm and held out until about 1am , I stopped dilating and they realised that my wTers had sealed and reformed so they re broke them around 11am and she arrived at 3pm. I was really close to a c section as I was running out of time. The epi was lovely tho and allowed me to get some sleep. It wore
Off and I had 2 top ups and needed a third but was ready to push so they didn't bother x

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