Induction.. nooooo (just a whinge)


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi all, after having my sweep last Tuesday and nothing changing, after hot curry, love making and raspberry leaf tea still nothing!!

I am to be induced on Wednesday... not looking forwards to it at all and am worried for baby being inside for so long, I hope baby comes out well, am not happy bunny :cry:

Hope everyone is doing well your ends.. xxxx
Aww huni, i'm sure everything will be fine. Baby will be fine, bet you can't wait now :)

Hugs hun xxx
you still have a few days to go where you might go on your own :) fingers crossed for you! if not wed is really not that far away and then your going to be a mummy :) best of luck :hugs: x
Tri hopping sorry, i had S&S with my second daughter and tried all of the above!

Had the stretch on the fri and she was born the following tuesday morning it was actually the morning of the day i was booked in to be induced!

Im sure all will be fine, my eldest was 7 days overdue n my second 12 days over! she was a little bit dry n flaky but other than that fine xxx
ahw you still have time - i was booked for induction 12 days overdue and the day before she decided to come all by herself....

with my first daughter i was induced and she was absolutely fine... she was born 10 days overdue and my 2nd was 11 days over and they were both fine and so was the placenta etc... they would bring the induction guidelines forward if there were risks of letting you go that long etc.

Try not to worry about induction... it's just a way of helping getting you going and it works differently for every single person and birth... my first labour was induced (waters broken then the drip) and it was a great experience - in fact i would rather go through that again than my 2nd labour which happened hard and fast (3 hours) and there was no time for pain relief - the induction was a much better and more controlled expereince all together.

You do still have time to go by yourself - you hear of alot of people going the night before induction.. but if not - try not to worry about induction - there are ots of stories on here with people who have had really good positive induction stories...

hope you meet your little one really soon x x x
Awww hun :hugs: there is still time yet! I was due to be induced Wednesday morning 8am and Matthew came Tuesday morning 7am :) I was convinced I wasn't going to be induced and went a big long walk and bounced about on my ball to make him come lol

Have you tried a big walk yet? Don't walk too far mind you incase baby decides to come quickly :lol:

Hope you go on your own hun, and even if you do need to be induced, I'm sure it will be just fine!! :) Atleast you don't have long to wait now :)



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