Induction help please!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Hello! :wave:
i am booked in next week to be induced as i have OC, It is my first baby so im pretty clueless!
when i go into the hospital at 11.00am to have the first pessary put in will i be staying in hospital??
im not sure if that is the question everyone wants answering as i guess it depends if the pessary works or not first time or needs reapplying??
im just trying to prepare myself and did not know if i would need to take my hospital bag with me there and then or if i would be going home shortly after it is put in so i could drive us to the hospital or not?? :think:
my specialist told me today that babys head is 2/5th's engaged already,would this mean that the chance of the induction working sooner rather then later is more probable??

many thanks for any advice!! :hug: :D

i am at the hospital again on saturday to have bubs monitored and will ask more then but just wondered in the meantime if anyone had any advice?? :think:
If you're being induced early they'll probably keep you in once you've had a pessary till you give birth. All hospitals are different but the way ours worked was one pessary, wait six hours then another pessary. Then try to break the waters and put you on a drip, then let the drugs do their work!

It's probably best to check with them but I think if you're being induced for medical reasons they're more likely to keep hold of you to monitor you. When they give you the pessary they monitor the baby to make sure the baby is OK with what they're doing. They may let you go for a walk after your first lot but I don't think they'll send you home.

Not too sure about the baby being engaged though. You'd think it would help but these babies are crazy and unpredictable! :lol:
I was given my first pessary at 6am and kept in to be monitored every couple of hours. They would have given me another 6 hours later but I was in full blown labour by then :lol: I think it's pretty standard to keep you in and monitor, particularly as you are being induced early. I've heard of some people being sent home if the ward is particularly busy but I imagine in your circumstances they would keep you in for monitoring.
My babies head wasn't engaged at all when I was induced (didn't engage until I was ready to push!!) so don't think that really has any influence on whether the first induction will work or not.
Hope all goes well for you hun :hug:
Sarah x
Yes you'll be kept in the hospital.

When I had my daughter I needed four lots of the stuff before it worked. I went in on the Wednesday, and she wasn't born until Sunday morning!!
i was fully engaged for weeks, but my induction still failed, so i wouldn't rely on that.
i was given the first gel at 9am along with a sweep, and left to do my own thing all day, i could come & go from the ward as i pleased, i wasn't given a second gel because my waters had broken - i was put onto the drip at 1am the following morning. the only advice i have is spend the day resting! you will need all your energy to get that baby out! :)
thanks everyone!! :hug:
shall i take my hospital bag with me or get OH to bring it later??? :think:
take it with you , inductions are really inpredictable !

i was induced at 4 pm , well they did an internal and burst my waters , i was already 2 cm gone without knowing about it

6pm i was put on a drip , this fell out so was put back in at 8pm at full strength ! my first contraction came at 8.03pm lol

but when they said i was being induced they said it could take a couple of days , my mum and brian didnt bring with them there stuff ( food / drink etc) as they didnt think id be giving birth that night !

well 00.31am leland was born !

if they find your already dilating , which is poss with OC u might not even get the pressary and go straight onto the oxy drip like i did
yeah take your bag with you because sometimes things get going pretty fast and you will want things on demand!!

I was induced last time and to be honest it was my best labour as it was quick and i had no stitches!!!

Best of luck!!!
I got my first lot of gel in the evening and was sent home - but that's just what they do at that particular hospital. I think normally you are kept in.
As someone else said it's hard to predict what will happen - I had the maximum dose of gel, then a 24 hour break and then some more but it didn't really work. Once your waters break or they can do it for you then you go on the drip. I found the pain very intense - I had said I didn't want an epidural but I soon changed my mind - so my tip is take all the pain relief you can get!
Good luck! It didn't work for me and I eventually had a section, so i hope yours goes more smoothly!!
Good luck! you can see from the stories here that it's all so unpredictable. I had 3 pessaries and a long stay like Xena.

You're not supposed to leave once you've had the first treatment but we nipped out for a pub lunch. :D
hi everyone and thanks for the replies!
not been online for the last couple of days as so so tired and not been feeling too good,my morning sickness seems to have come back and i feel abit bleurgh!

i saw a MW at the hospital saturday AM while having baby monitored and she said the same to take my bag,she said even if the induction does not work after the first pessary they would keep me in overnight! :eek:

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