Induction 2day!!! update 1.40pm


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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hi all,

well the day is almost here i am finally being induced tomorrow and i will be exactly 42 weeks! :cheer: :cheer:

i dnt know what time i am going in as i have got to ring first thing in the moing to see if there are any beds available. hopefully i will be able to snatch a moment to tell you all when im goin in.

my sister is a member on here so i will get her to update you all with whats happening.

i am quite scared but also excited at the same time, so i am busying myself with cleaning today to make sure everything is ready for when i come out of the hospital.

i think it is going to be impossible to sleep tonight!!

UPDATE: Got to ring bk at 1.30pm to see if there are any beds as none are available yet. the suspense is killing me!!!

hi just rang and i will be going in at 5pm so next time im on hopefully will have my little girl :cheer:
oh wow i bet you're so excited! very best of luck hun, i hope you are holding your lo very soon xx
Hi Kim,

I've got my induction tomorrow aswell so we'll be induction buddies!!

Don't be worried about it, I went through that but now I'm feeling really positive about it. There's only so long you can wait without just wanting things to happen.

Although I have had loads of gunk comeing out today and liquid so I'm wondering whether my plug has come out and my waters might be leaking. Still don't feel like full labour is going to happen yet, but I'm hopeful.
Oh dear... If you're cleaning, you might not last till your induction :wink: Good luck that it all goes well... :hug:
Goood luck :)

youll have your baby soon :) and you kj
:cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Good luck to both of you! happy induction days for tomorrow
Good luck - looking forward to hearing how it all goes xxx
Ooooooooh nearly happy birthday for your LO, very best wishes kimheath :hug:
yes :D :D :D
im so hapy for you hunni
your gunna get your little one :D :D :D :cheer: :cheer:

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