Increased need to....


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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...POO! It seems like whenever I have anything to eat I have to go to the toilet within an hour! I'm not getting any pain or having to strain or anything with it.

Has anyone else had this? I have had a look back at some posts but couldnt really see anything.
I read somewhere that ladies can become more 'loose' before labour, hopefully this is the start of your body gearing up for the big day!
Hmm, the last few weeks I've been going all the time, and that's so not like me, I'm usually the opposite (sorry tmi!).
I read somewhere that ladies can become more 'loose' before labour, hopefully this is the start of your body gearing up for the big day!

Lets hope so!! :)
Id rather have that then feeling sick everytime i eat :( my son is too big for my tummy. But your little one could be with you soon :) x
i pooed seven times in one day the other day

its baby moving down to 'engaged' position and taking up more space i reckon

my poos are thin and many, like my wees

Yup, totally having this. Just another thing to make me spend more time in the toilet. Ive also found that if I have to go...then I really have to go! Ill have to waddle to the toilet so quick lol!

I don't mind too much cause the midwife said the one thing that can hold up labour is constipation, so tkae it as a good sign your making such good friends with your loo :D x
yeh ive had this recentley when i have had my tea i have to go like within 3o mins after. i dont normally go every day.
hehe what a thread! Since baby has started to engage I've definitely been 'looser', and like Melio, when I've got to go, I've really got to go and fast! Or so it seems, I've not tried waiting lol! To be honest until I read all this I hadn't really put two and two together, I just thought I was eating a crappy diet hehe
I seem to be getting this aswell, loads of pressure in my bum:blush: feels very uncomfortable! When i feel the need to go i also have to go straight away, havnt tried waiting but the pressure feels so bad i don't think id want to see what happens :lol:
Glad its not just me!

Aswell, last night I was just standing doing the pots after tea and wee just started to come out of me - ony a little bit (sorry if tmi)! I didnt even feel like I needed to wee (for a change). The joys of pregnancy!!
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Oooh, I had this too. And I always felt like I needed to go when I didn't.
I wish i had this! I havent gone for ages!
I so much more regular - but very loose stools are a sign of imminent labour so fingers crossed!
Glad to hear it isn't just me, I thought I might have been eating the wrong things or just too much in general, I asked my midwife and she said it has to do with the increased pressure from bump's head being engaged, that and a sign labour might be on its way (fingers crossed). Still the urge to go and have to go right now this very minute can be a real pain in the butt . . . literally.

I was doing a mad waddle to the loo this morning (or as my OH likes to call it my 'weeble wobble waddle') to the loo when the door bell went & it was a delivery guy dropping off some exercise equipment I got for after the birth. He must have thought I was so rude the way I snatch the pen from him swiftly followed by a slam of the door!
Im finding myself jealous! My LOs head isnt engaged and I havent noticed this. :wall: must be to do with babys head being in the way I s'pose

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