In tears...


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I have fallen out with my mum... :cry:

all because she picked cameron up from nursery and didnt tell me... she has taken him to london till sunday, started cos i text her asking if she had picked him up cos otherwise i would collect him.. i got no reply so i text back and said what i thought.. i know i shouldnt but still it would be nice to be told where my son is etc etc..

Now cos she threw everything bck and said she has bent over bck wards to help us over the last few weeks, i retaliated and said we'll manage next week when the baby is born, cos i dont want her throwing it bck at us that she has had the boys too much..

crunch is, i shouldnt have said it cos mark is at work hes only taken the monday off, and bradley cant get into nursery monday morning, so hes gonna miss the birth now...

Dont know what to do, i dont want to give in to my mum and say im sorry cos im not.. theres alot more to it than meets the eye, but dont knopw how to say it all....
I'm sure the two of you will realise that this was a small misunderstanding and there is no point falling out over it. If I were you I'd find it extremely hard to say sorry, but deep down I would know that it's the one thing that would probably make us talk again, so u might as well, don't you think? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh dear :(

i think its best you both sit down together and talk about it.

you dont need to say sorry, just explain to her how you are feeling.

im sure she is feeling bad about it now too

phone her up and talk. Never fall out with your mum. life is too short.
Right well this is what happens yeah..

when she has cameron we can never get hold of her...

She can take him out of nursery to go to london, yet when i wanna take him out to go anywhere its a bad thing, yet she can do it all the time..

I honestly feel like cameron is her son and not mine, and if i vent my true feelings we wont ever talk again cos i will go overboard..

I know shes been there for me and i appreciate everything, but she doesnt treat my other lad anyway near the same! cameron goes every thursday without fail and stays until sunday, it only started as a weekend then i started a college course so she suggested she helped with cameron.. and now ive finished college she makes me feel bad and says her life isnt worth living if i take cameron away from her, im not saying im taking him away i just want some time with my son!

I cant do anything with him and itrs getting me down..

Hes my son.. not theres.. grr im so angry..
you do need to talk to her hun. explain calmly how you feel.

things will just get worse if it is bottled up
With all due respect we have had these conversations before and ive told you time and time again your mum treats you like a prat.
Cam is your son and she has no right to take him off somewhere without your consent, everything that happens to that child is your concern, not hers.

She takes the mick out of you and treats you and mark like mugs and dont treat littel bradley the same at all, and hes her grandchild too so she should treat them equal.

After all the other troubvle you have had in the past with her and other things thast have happened i wouldnt let her take my children anywhere.
I would never let my mom treat one child different to the other, that needs sorting out, how will Bradley feel when he gets a bit older and starts to understand more?

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