In tears at work :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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So, I am at work in a sorry state.

One of the three guys I support at this house just got back from hospital. He is non verbal and can now not qalk due to illness. I am on my own on a sleepover shift, called manager to make her aware that he was.unable to walk and I cant lift him. I said its not just because I am pregnant, as no ataff member should be moving him on their own. Since I said that she has taken me off sleepover and said we need to discuss my future...when I pulled her up on it she denied saying it and said im making it opinion she said that for my pregnancy we need to discuss arrangements. Lies. She said im being super sensitive and need to stop being so serious. She is sending a manager round to "have a word" and that my confidence at this service will be a problem. Its not a confidence issue! its health and safety! Nobody should ve supporting his weight around the house pregnant or not. Feel very scape goated and bullied for raosing a basic concern. Think she is gunning for me now and will use my pregnancy to shift me to another service. So stressed and upset :(
Aw Hun big hugs it's not fair work stressing you out like this x
She cant do that!! You are fully protected by the law and if she 'reshuffles' you now then it always looks highly suspect in the eyes of the law. Start banding round comments like Employment Tribunal, that might make her ridiculous attitude disappear.

She says she is "looking out for my interests" as I raised concern over supporting a grown mans full body weight on my own. Although I shouldnt be doing moving and handling when pregnant, no staff member should be lone working and supporting anyones body weight! Which was my point but because I spoke up on behalf of the team she is being difficult amd if she moves me technically she can but it wont genuinely be for me it will be to stop me raising valid health amd safety points x
She says she is "looking out for my interests" as I raised concern over supporting a grown mans full body weight on my own. Although I shouldnt be doing moving and handling when pregnant, no staff member should be lone working and supporting anyones body weight! Which was my point but because I spoke up on behalf of the team she is being difficult amd if she moves me technically she can but it wont genuinely be for me it will be to stop me raising valid health amd safety points x

My mum worked for a care company and they completely took her for a ride with things much like this. They expected her to lift fully grown bedridden adults alone and was never scheduled doubles when caring for difficult patients? (I don't know the correct term as she worked out in the community) when i say difficult i mean anything from behavior and awareness to physical things like lifting and moving around etc. I know how difficult it can be arguing with companies like this, she had a hard time with it and she wasn't even pregnant. Is there anyone higher you can speak to whether its in the company or someone legal etc? Im just worried for you that this may be the start of her taking the mick a bit with you. My last bosses did the same with me when i was last pregnant and treated me sooo badly. They knew i was pregnant and tried to make me lift heavy kegs and bottle crates and do all the heavy work. One male boss even tried to convince the rest of the staff i wanted an abortion and was pushing me one night so i would snap back so he could shout it out in the restaurant. I lived in a small village where everyone knew everyone and he was just angry for some reason. So i quit there and then. I never wanted to terminate my baby but he was a creepy slimy guy who had previously hit on other female members of staff, it seemed i was next and my pregnancy got in the way so he made my life miserable. I ended up miscarrying and i blame him slightly as i was soo stressed for weeks after that about finding a new job and money i made myself ill. Anyway i have gone off subject, what im trying to say is don't let her walk all over you, let her know who's boss. I have realized with a little research that pregnant women are basically untouchable in the work place if you take a stand and make it known. Legally there are soo many things there to protect you from things like i experienced happening.

I hope things go well and you knock her down a peg or two, she sounds like she needs it.

I understand that you spoke up for the whole team, but it is a serious issue.
They need to accept that the staff need more support to do moving and handling even if its just up until bedtime and then have someone on call if needed.

If you worked with my company then you would have a review of your risk assessment asap and would be moved service if your job was to involve moving and handling or it couldnt be avoided.
Its not nice having to move service and that was the reason I kept my pregnancy from my managers for so long.
I was very lucky that all risks could be managed, I've had to stop doing sleep ins though and I will have an emergency withdrawal procedure if at any time I am at risk. I'll then have to work in the office as there is no service appropriate to transfer me to. x
By not doing manual handling properly, the company is not just putting you t risk, but also the clients you care for.....maybe you should mention this too some bosses above her too, after all this country is currently looking in to homes and organisations who give appalling standards of care, often to cut costs. Now I'm sure you're trying your best, as do all your colleagues, but you could hurt or drop someone trying to handle them on your own, and you can maybe use this wave of public awareness about mistreatment in your favour.

If you are moved or dimissed, kick up the biggest stink ever, you have rights.....good luck x

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