In pain... please help :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
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For the past 3 days I have had a pain in my bum cheek (No pun intended lol) It's really hurting me and causing so much discomfort, hurts when I'm in one position but hurts even more when I move!

Does any1 else have this? Any1 have any ideas how to stop the pain?

Any advice would be appreciated. xxxxx
Def sounds like it might be sciatica, heat pad, warm bath or ice pack might help x
Thanks Girls, gonna jump in bath now. This is really a test for my pain threshold lol The pain is unbearable!! xxx
Sounds just like my scaitica when I was walking around. I was in so much pain with it at the end of my pregnancy with Toby and in labour but it's gone now. Hope it gets a bit better for you :hug:
What is this??? I have never Hurd of it before lol x

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Sciatica is where the sciatic nerve, which is in your back, gets trapped and causes pain-usually shooting pains down your bum and legs but can be stabbing pains too. I was wrongly diagnosed with this for 4 years after DD was born! x
Omg!! This is exacty what I've got right now. I'm in agony! It's right in bum cheek, underneath it and it travels round the front. Walking is a frigging nightmare!! I've tried hot baths, rests but nothing is working :(
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Mines gone away since I've finished work! It really hurt when I was stood for too long!!
Ahh right I had no idea I have never had this is it just a pregnancy thing? Xx

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No it's not just a pregnancy thing but it's really really common in pregnancy because of the weight of baby and the way baby can lie etc
I didn't realise that's what sciatica was. I've had shooting pains from trapped nerves at the top of my leg and bottom of my bum for a few weeks now, just thought it was to do with position of baby or me staying in one position too long and then moving, never had anything like it before.
I didn't realise that's what sciatica was. I've had shooting pains from trapped nerves at the top of my leg and bottom of my bum for a few weeks now, just thought it was to do with position of baby or me staying in one position too long and then moving, never had anything like it before.

Sounds like classic sciatica chick x

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