In pain all night - bit worried now!

I had pink spotting on and off for about 3 weeks and even got heavier at one point.

Its very scary but its not always bad, my bubba is growing and doing well :D

Babyblonde what time is your appointment? or have I missed it in a post?
hi i hope everything goes ok tomorro for u, let us know how u get on. what time are u there? xx
Thanks lovely girlies - my appointment is 11.45am so I'll let you know what happens.

Depending on the news and how I am feeling, I might be at work in the afternoon but if I am, I'll update you in the evening xxx

Thanks all for your support once again :hug:
Damn - my mum just rang and is now really worried. I didn't tell her about it on purpose as didn't want her to get worried or upset.

I'm actually feeling better myself - the discomfort seems to be subsiding now (phew!). Think I am going to try and have something to eat (other than wotsits!) and then get a nice early night. Will probably stop home in the morning to be on the safe side and then go to work in the afternoon if all is well.

Thank you all again for being so lovely :hug:
good luck tomorrow babyblonde :pray:

Hope everything is ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Jo Jo and Sarah.

Sarah - congrats on the birth of little Amber she is such a cutie!!!!
How are you feeling today ?

Sending good thoughts your way. I hope the visit to the EPU brings you good news

Thanks girls - we're heading off in about a half hour. Am very nervous!

I will update you later on - if all is well I will be popping into work this afternoon, so it might not be til this evening. If I can, I will text someone and get them to post for me. xxx
Sorry I just see this but no that all is ok from other thread.

You'll be fine sweetheart :hug:

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