In pain all night - bit worried now!

babyblonde said:
When they do bloods - do they screen them there and then or do they have to send them off?

When I went to the epu they took bloods and I got the results within 2hrs but I had to go back 48hrs later to have another lot done so they could check whether the levels were rising or falling. They'll check your hormone level so they're done pretty quickly.
Yesterday it felt like my whole insides were cramping!

It's hard to describe really - today it's a bit like a dull ache with the odd sharp pain.
i really hope everything is ok :hug: i had a lot of pain in the first 9 weeks, and i put it down to trapped wind and constipation, then it settled but then last night in bed, everytime i rolled over i got the most painful sharp pain i have ever had, i feel ok now though, and no bleeding or anything so hopefully baby is ok :pray: i am waiting for my scan still, seems like i have been waiting all of my life!.

good luck sweetheart :hug: :hug:
Lets hope its just wind - and a good parp will sort you out. Didn't you say none of your trousers fitted any more ? Trapped wind can be really flipping painful, but I guess under the circumstances it would be welcomed.

I'm going to the EPU as well tomorrow my spotting is getting worse and I have stabbing pains in my pelvis that literally double me over in pain. I'm a bit worried as I don't know if I am 5 or 9 weeks ( I didn't have a proper period in November but didn't think anything of it at the time). Not knowing is the really scary part.

I'm wishing for good news for both of us

I had some pains at about 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. I was really scared as i woke up in agony. I think i'd eaten too much though and also had trapped wind. After a few farts :oops: i felt much better! My dad was once in hospital for 4 days with suspected apendicitus (can't spell it!) and it turned out to be trapped wind! So it can be painful but better out than in. Good luck tomorrow.
I went at 4 +5 with bad cramps then had a follow-up at 6 +2. At the 2nd scan the ultrasound didn't pick enough up so it was a 2nd internal. They were able to tell me that Bean was 3.1mm CRM and DH could see the heart beating. Unfortunately from where I was lying I couldn't see a bloody thing but DH saw the wee line pulsating.

Good luck for tomorrow. Got my fingers crossed for you.
How are you feeling now ?

My boobs have just started hurting for the first time in about 5 days.

I never ever thought I would be glad to have sore bewbies.

The pain keeps coming back on and off.

Other than that it's just the usual wanting to puke :lol:

My boobs are sore too - although I have noticed that where they are sore changes all the time - today they are sore underneath.... :?
babyblonde said:
The pain keeps coming back on and off.

Other than that it's just the usual wanting to puke :lol:

My boobs are sore too - although I have noticed that where they are sore changes all the time - today they are sore underneath.... :?

Its good that you are feeling sick and sore. I mean that in the nicest possible way. I've not really had any morning sickness/food aversions or any of that stuff. I've felt a bit bluergggh in the morning but thats about it.

My boobs are now sore to the side. Where I poked them to see how tender they were. :roll:
Yeah - you'll be doing that a lot :lol:

I constantly poke mine to check that they still hurt :roll:

I have felt soooo poo today with the sickness - but so relieved at the same time to feel that rubbish! It's bizarre.
I really hope everything is ok...try and rest and have a good nights sleep. and keep thinking positive as u always do..btw u r an inspiration to me on the way u think about pregnancy...I used to worry too much but now I believe whats meant to be will be.. I am pretty sure u'll be fine and it would turn to be constipation or wind.. maybe something u ate?!
I had red bleeding for the first time this morning and freaked out totally. After some good advice from these here boards I managed to get booked in at the EPU for tomorrow.

After 8 days of spotting, I finally decide to do something about it, only for it to stop this afternoon.

Now I am worried because I had red blood and the spotting went away as quickly as it came.

I guess I am always going to find something to worry over .....
I've just nipped on quickly to see how you're feeling hun.
Can't get you out of my head lol :hug:
Aw thanks Maldives - that's sweet of you. :hug:

If it's meant to be then everything will be fine, if not then it won't. There's nothing I can do about it. It doesn't mean I wouldn't be absolutely heartbroken if we did lose Twinkle - it just means that I'm past the point of assuming it's something I've done or not done. It's all out of our hands really.

I've suprised myself actually - when I woke up in pain in the night I just said to myself 'go back to sleep - if it's just wind it will probably go or ease off, if you wake up and you're bleeding then that's your answer'. Having spent 6 hours in hospital last time for no good reason, I think I'm more clued up this time about what can and can't be done.

The lady on the phone at EPU this morning was really lovely so I am hoping that whatever way things go tomorrow it will be a more positive experience.
uknitty said:
I had red bleeding for the first time this morning and freaked out totally. After some good advice from these here boards I managed to get booked in at the EPU for tomorrow.

After 8 days of spotting, I finally decide to do something about it, only for it to stop this afternoon.

Now I am worried because I had red blood and the spotting went away as quickly as it came.

I guess I am always going to find something to worry over .....

I keep having random spotting, when i get it i have an outburst of tears then it goes away again for a day or two then comes back. I'm glad your EPU has got you in, and you too babyblonde.
God bless the NHS! (dispite random bad experiences!)
I'm feeling much better for having folks to talk to on here.

Tis true Babyblonde you have a very reassuring way about you.


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