In pain all night - bit worried now!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Hey girls,

Well I was awake most of the night with nasty abdominal pains - they are still there this morning although in a more niggly way. Trying not to worry and convince myself it's all wind and poo pains - but it's tricky.

Have called EPU and they can't give me an appointment til tomorrow but were very friendly (which helped!).

Can anyone tell me what to expect at EPU tomorrow?
They'll most probably scan you huni :)

Best of luck - im sure you'll be ok - I spent the first 12 weeks in agony lol.

Thanks Jay! It's just so hard not to worry!

The EPU team have told me to stay at home today - which I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing as on the one hand I can rest up but on the other hand I wont be doing anything to take my mind off it!
They will proberly scan you if your experiencing abdominal pain to rule out ectopic.

Though im sure everything is fine, you should get to see your bubba :hug:

Im sure I had something similar but it went away in few days x
Hope it goes ok tomorrow hun, I had really bad pains a few weeks ago but turned out I was constipated. Hope its something simple :hug: :hug:
Hi Bex

Hope ur ok, I had really bad pains and like snuggle i was constipated,

Hope everyhting goes ok at the epu :hug:
Hope everythings okay honey :hug: xx

And heres hoping you get a sneak preview at twinkle! :wink:

Thanks girls.

I'm hoping that it's just a bit of constipation and nothing more! :pray:
Hope everything goes ok tommorow they will probably scan you, i had some tummy pains the other week but it turned out to be constipation & wind :oops:.
I know how hard it is but try to stay relaxed hun :hug:
I suffered with IBS a few years ago, and that causes crippling, sharp pains in your abdomen. I got them again when I was about the same time in as you, and if I hadn't known it was just digestion/constipation from having the same pains before, I would have been out of my mind with worry - I'm sure that's all it is hon, try and stay relaxed (easier said than done I know!!) :hug:

Hope they put your mind at rest tomorrow and all is well :hug:
I've been having pains, i keep wiggling around to try and make it move, and if it does it calms me down a bit.
Or laying in the bath, i always seem to be able to pass the wind in the bath.
I think they'll probably scan you and possibly do some bloods.
I've got another appointment tomorrow too, so fingers crossed for both of us :hug:
When they do bloods - do they screen them there and then or do they have to send them off?
Last time they did mine they sent them to the lab and someone rang me later in the day when they were back.
I'm not sure if they'll do a doubling one so you have to go back in 48 hours and then they might make you wait until they have both sets of results.
They should be able to tell a lot from your scan though with you being over 6 weeks :hug:
Bloods they will have to send off hun but urine they will check there xxx
Wishing you well for tomorrow hun. I'm sure as all the other ladies have said it's probably just trapped wind. that can be very painful and I got it under my ribs so it hurt every time I breathed in.
Try have a relaxing soak in the bath, that'll ease it a little and get your oh to go buy you some peppermint green tea as that will ease your tummy pains too.

Thinking of you and sending loads of :hug: xx
Is it like period pains or is it really sharp? Sharp is likely to be wind related.

I thought being pregnant would be a relief from period pains for 9 months and was gutted to have the feeling far more than if I just had a period! I can't remember how long it went on for but it seemed like ages! Definately weeks at least.

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